Project Showcase: Star Wars Legion Imperials

Welcome to a showcase of a recently completed project of mine, an Imperial force for Star Wars Legion. This force will grow in the future but for now it represents a solid painted collection that gives me more than enough to play a standard sized battle and change up my army list between games. Well let’s head off to Tatooine to meet the garrison of Mos Eisley Spaceport, ensuring the Empire’s grip on this hive of scum and villainy…

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Landy's Hobby Blog

Ho, fellow brush lickers! It’s been a minute since we spoke last! My hobby time has been a bit of a rollercoaster—ups and downs of activity! At long last, I’ve got an end of year vacation planned, largely because me and the missus are expecting a visit from the stork any day now! The house has been a bit chaotic putting the final touches on preparations for the baby so the painting desk had sit idle until I stopped in at the local GW store and picked up a box of Death Guard Plague Marines last weekend.

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PATM Heart of a Gladiator Paint Challenge

The dust has settled and the crowd’s bloodlust has been satiated! Twelve challengers entered the arena, but only one was victorious! What an amazing showing this month, with loads of fantastic entries of all sorts, giving new meaning to the word “gladiator!” Be sure to watch until the very end to see who managed to earn the favour of the Emperor and their freedom.

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WWII Japanese Imperial Army

Hi guys, welcome to a step-by-step painting tutorial for the Imperial Japanese Army of WW2. This guide and the techniques within are designed to get your Japanese army painted quickly, but also 'pop' on the tabletop. The two pronged attack of using a coloured spray primer and Army Painter’s Quickshade product will mean that you win that battle against your lead pile that all of us time poor hobbyists face.

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Episode 107: Tyler Schulz (PATM & Dreadpathzone)

This week I talk to Tyler Schulz. Tyler has been moonlighting recently on the PATM site giving us content from the walking dead. It was great to get to know Tyler a little more, his history, his insight, and also the things in the hobby he has enjoyed since he started doing it.  Many thanks to Tyler for coming onto the show I hope you all enjoy it!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Welcome ladies and gentlegerms! We’re fast approaching the holidays and that means that there are a good number of you still shopping for hobby related gifts (read: looking at all of the new upcoming goodies and wondering if they’ll be under the tree for you!) I myself have been ogling, pondering, and planning new painting projects; curious to see what those are? Look no further, it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday!

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