Easy Dungeon: Why I Want To Know More!
It’s been a while since my last ‘Why I want to know more’ article as to be honest I wait and see what enthuses me before I write one, but this weekend I spotted Easy Dungeon coming up on Kickstarter and I just had to write about it.
I have been looking for a dungeon solution for ages, a way to create a brilliant 3d dungeon to play games with, but I just haven’t bumped into anything that has made me want to get involved….until now. So helloooooooo Easy Dungeon, here is why I want to know more about you…
Easy Dungeon is a modular card dungeon terrain system what uses a magnetic play mat with card features to stick in place. You can customise corridors, rooms, hall ways, & any number of dungeon based terrain items. From the examples I have seen I can not wait to create an awesome dungeon settings for my RPG/Tabletop dungeon crawling games such as Frostgrave, Relic Blade & any other I pick up.
Cost & Care
Firstly I have to highlight the cost. The campaign has a number of pledge levels from Copper, to Silver, Gold, to Platinum. The platinum containing nearly 10 feet area of dungeon over 368 pieces and 8 magnetic mats for a ball hair under 200 euros.
I have looked at a number of dungeon systems but they have always been significantly more expensive than this. Now for the difference in the price you are trading out the material used, this set is working with 2mm thick 1100g/m2 card so therefore you need to be a little more careful with it when putting up/down and general game play but I tend to really look after my stuff anyway so I dont see this as an issue personally. I am sure that if you treat it carefully and sensibly that it will last a good long time, but I would need to get hands on and test it over a period of time in order to confidently state that though. But then the cost…..for 10 feet sq of terrain it is a snip.
I mentioned the 368 pieces in the platinum pledge already, you go down to 126 in the Gold, 62 in the Silver, and 28 in the Copper. All of the pledge levels offer a decent variety of components. You get iron rubber mats, 1,2,4,8 inch wall sections, small & large doors/gates and in the Platinum you also get 2d magnetic furniture and terrain items such as stairs, barrels, crates, tables etc. Plus you also get water features and other environmental components. This is A LOT of items & there is a lot of variety of designs also. I am not going to list them all but I have included some pictures above. Depending on what game system you are looking to play then that will dictate your pledge level. A lot of dungeon games require a 3ft by 3ft table, some a 6ft by 4ft area. The amount and size of pledges mean that you can really ensure you get what you need to put it all together.
Magnetic Tiles
The magnetic rubber tile system solves a lot of the problems I would envisage with this sort of terrain. Card terrain alone could be flimsy and also another cost factor is that I would need a play mat too, this adds to your investment. Easy Dungeon provides the play mat along with the walls and so therefor makes it very good value. A mousemat style 6ft by 4ft mat would set you back around 70 dollars US without shipping nearly half of the entire Platinum pledge level. The magnetic nature also gives the terrain a stability so it is harder to move or accidentally nudge and to be honest is THE deal breaker for me. I have seen other card terrain before but this is my first where I have seen this magnetic dimension, a great idea!!
Storage & Space
As a 15 euro add on or free at Platinum level is a Dungeon case to store all your bits in. This is an absolute necessity in my opinion and if you want the terrain to keep for as long as possible then you nee to get this. All the components fit into the case and tuck away tidily in your nerd lair. I also feel that because the terrain is card that it really helps to store away with a minimum amount of space which is a huge bonus. Its less space to store but also it is transportable so that if you want to bring your dungeon to a friends house or a local store to play then that is viable. I have taken other war game terrain to stores/houses to play before and to be honest it was a real pain so the nature of this terrain actually appeals to me. Cuts down to minimum for storage and travel.
First timer KS campaign
Let me first say before I say anything is that I couldn’t/wouldn’t encourage anyone to throw their money at a KS campaign just because you want to support someone from the goodness of your heart but….Having looked a the product and done a little research into Games06 I know that they are two positive guys from Italy who just want us to enjoy their stuff. A lot of Kickstarter Campaigns these days will stand on their own two feet and make millions of dollars regardless of say 50 people’s support, they have thousands of backers. Thats fine, a lot of them are amazing games. However, this is Games06’s first campaign, with an interesting product giving you a full 3d magnetically held dungeon environment for a great price. Go and have a look at it, and if it doesnt flick your switch then please pass it onto someone who you feel would like it by using this link below, it runs until January 7th 2019.
There are two ways you can get hands on an Easy Dungeon Kickstarter Pledge. The first is by searching for the Christmas Competition through our Paint All The Minis Facebook Group which ends on the 17th December OR direct from the Easy Dungeon Kickstarter Page.