In this episode I speak to Rich Carlisle now of Footsore Miniatures. Rich completes his hat-trick in this episode, the 3rd time he has been on the show, if you are interested in hearing his full story you can check out episode 34, episode 163 ish, its in there when we did the Paint All The Minis Online Convention, and this one.
Read MoreIn this episode, I speak to Randall from the Imperial Minis YouTube channel. Randall puts together content from his favourite games including bat reps, list-building considerations, and faction overviews, amongst others.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Andres from Chile. We chat about his home country, his experience of playing there, his formative steps in the hobby and what he enjoys the most. Andres was a great guest and it is always great to hear from people with very different experience to our own in countries that we may not ever have visited.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Ben. Ben talks to us about his personal hobby journey in Australia, along with his experience and feelings of buying into his local gaming store, along with his feelings of a recent tournament he participated in.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Scall, a fellow hobbyist from the Midlands of England, we chat about his hobby history and experience along with anything else that popped up.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Mr Seamus Hamrin, a fellow nerd, the creator of the wee cutaways we have during the show, and a good all round modest chap. We spoke last on Ep 89, so you can listen to that and then see what he has been up to since we last spoke.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Ryan the author of the miniature fantasy skirmish game Anthems of War! I need to apologise to Ryan as I recorded this episode with him in March 1875…..or what it seems like….a long time ago!!! Sorry Ryan, its no reflection on you or the quality of your ruleset.
We hope you enjoy the show, its great to be back with you again!
Read MoreIn this episode, I speak to Robert Salters who writes mini-agnostic rule sets. You hear about them in the show, but the one you may know of most is Battlespace, an ultra-modern solo/co-op rule set with some interesting mechanics, which you will hear about in the chat. It was fun to talk to Robert, and I thank him on our behalf for taking the time to chat.
Read MoreIn this episode, I speak to Dave Taylor the Publisher extraordinaire. Dave finds miniature painters who are interesting and who he feels are deserving of a spotlight in which to express their ethos and skill. These books are called The Art Of and you can do a bit of a search for them if you want and see if they tickle your fancy. I think Dave is an interesting guy and it is an interesting concept so check it out if you want. Check out ep 177 for a little more insight into Dave and his history, we dont talk about it in this show, so maybe refresh by listening to that before you slide the whip off the underpants of this episode.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak once again to Travis from the Tabletop CP YouTube channel. Travis is a friend of the show and we spoke in Ep 160 about Travis’ love for Chain of Command and also about the early years of Tabletop CP, so you can listen to that first if you would like.
In the episode we chat about Bond, hobbying, his love of painting horses, and general health & diet, plus also plans for Tabletop CP. I enjoyed my time talking to Travis and appreciated him coming back onto the show!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak Mr Casey Madden, a hobby nerd just like you and me. We shoot the breeze about being an average nerd, about completion, and about items we use.
Always fun to chat to a fellow nerd and it was a blessing to speak to such a stand up fellow such as Casey.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Andy, aka the beard, aka The Beardclipper of the beard clipper YouTube channel. Its a YouTube channel that genuinely reflects one man’s journey into and through this amazing hobby. The best chats I have are always with people of genuine care and passion and Andy is certainly one.
The intro is brief as I wont lie, this episode has been sitting in the podbank for aeons and its about time it has its 10 minutes in the sun, I must apologies profusely to Andy for not releasing sooner, it is no reflection of my thoughts on his episode, I just stepped away at the time it was due to be released.
I hope you enjoy!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Mr Scott Radom, a long serving Paint All The Minis page member, awesome painter, and positive contributor.
We talk about his roots in Canada, his early playing & tournament experience, his move into trying to paint his minis at a higher level and most, most, importantly his profile picture. It was a pleasure talking to Scott and getting to know someone you have e-known for such a long time but never had a super long actual conversation with. Its a bit weird at times in the modern world isnt it. You can end up with friends who you never never physically seen, with names like Swampwombat34 or whatever. So it was nice to talk to Scott for a full episode and pad out more of the fuzzy image I had of him.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak once more to the awesome Dave Baker of Trenchworx. Trenchworx work out of Utah in the US and A and help companies create and produce minis for their games along with doing an awesome range of their own. If you want to hear more about history and initial steps from trenchworx then go back to Ep 120 and you can hear from Dave when we met for round one.
In this episode we talk about their new venture into releasing STL files for 3d printing and also 3d printing in general. 3d printing is a new thing for me that I very recently started to discover. I will be doing some episodes over the next weeks and months talking to people in this area as it is an area that has been growing and developing over recent history and its pretty cool.
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