Posts in Paint Ramble Podcast
Episode 198: Pete The Wargamer (Youtuber)

This episode I have a second chat with Pete The Wargamer. Pete is probably my favorite YouTube video content producer, I just love his style, his method, and his content in general. Plus he is a fun and interesting guy to boot. We talked back in ep 31 so if you want a bit more of an introduction to him and his channel then you can go and listen to that first. In this episode we delve a bit deeper into his craft, his evolution, and peripheral bonuses that have come his way, plus also a chin wag about a great many other things.

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Episode 197: Thibaud (Triton Noir)

This episode I speak again to Thibaud de la Touanne of Triton Noir. Triton Noir produce the excellent V Commandos game, the upcoming Assassins Creed: Brotherhood of Venice….AAAAAAANDD the upcoming V Commandos deluxe edition coming in the first half of 2021. I spoke to Thibaud back on episode 128 where we talked about his personal history plus a little of V Commandos and Assassins Creed. This time we catch up with what has changed for him over the last year along with developments in Assassins Creed and finish up with some details about the nw 3d and gameplay elements being added to V Commandos.

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Episode 196: Matthew K (Fellow Nerd)

This episode I speak to yet another fellow nerd in the form of Matthew Kozikowski. A while ago Matthew was a founder member of Dark Omen, and a podcast called Forgot to Feat. Matthew and I talk banana bets, clam chowder, nut meggers, along with his hobby journey, his family life, and how he is more and more drawn to both mini agnostic games, and dead games which are no longer supported by their founding companies, such as GW’s Warmaster game.

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Episode 194: Forrest H (Knuckleduster Miniatures)

This episode I talk to Forrest Harris about his personal history and story, plus also his miniature company Knuckleduster. Getting to know Forrest was a great experience for me, finding out about him and the reasons behind Knuckleduster along with a little bit about his research process and sculpting ethos. Knuckleduster are probably most renowned for their wild west range of miniatures, their game Gunfighters Ball, and their upcoming board game Gunfight Royale which is coming to Kickstarter in January.

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Episode 193: Luke O (Upzone pop up terrain)

This episode is one that has been kicking about in the PATM vault for a few months as I have waited for the project to show up on Kickstarter. I chatted with Luke, the creator of Upzone. Upzone is a range of car pop up terrain for tabletop wargaming. I dont know how I saw it, but I did and I was instantly interested in the story and genesis of it. Make sure you check out the link even just to appreciate the idea and invention of it.

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Episode 192: Scott P (Four-color Studios)

This episode I speak to Scott Pyle, the brains behind 4 color studio. Scott has created a number of games, most of which hang off his Goal System set of rules which share common themes. Super heroes, to Sci Fi, to Fantasy Dungeon Delves, there seems to be something there for everyone. We take time in the show to chew the fat about his ethos, games, and intent. PATM and Scott seem to share the same ethos in terms of the things we do and how we like to interact with the hobby, Scott is very candid about the fact that he enjoys the challenge of creating the rule sets and jus having them go out into the wild to do their own thing. No murky or shadowy marketing techniques which is refreshing. A term ‘the empty can rattles the loudest’ comes into my brain more and more via kickstarter and new games in our hobby and it is refreshing to see the polar opposite here, a classy gent allowing his games to speak for themselves. Having said that, and I mention it in the show, could his games have a stronger audience? More on that in a moment. It was great to talk to Scott I really enjoyed our ramble chat, especially the 80’s references, I am sure I speak for all of us when I thank him for his time.

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Episode 191: Davie 'Thommo' Thompson - What Makes A Good Game?

This episode I speak to David Thompson a second time. I spoke to David about himself and also Sniper Elite, the hidden movement game back in episode 181 and I asked him to come back onto the show and we have a chin wag about the things that he feels make a good game. Its a wide ranging chat from nicknames, to game length, to intent, card mechanics, I even get a couple of sauce references in there too.

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Ep 190: Mike Tuñez (Firelock Games)

This episode I speak once again to Mike Tuñez of Firelock Games. Firelock Games are most renowned for their historical skirmish games set in the 1600-1700’s, thats the age of privateers, pirates, and freebooters to you and me. As this show is live Firelock are in the midst of a new Kickstarter campaign designed to produce a giant section of all their minis in plastic. I am a huge plastic fan, mostly due to the weight, ease of transport, the forgiving nature when you drop it, but also the customization that can occur between models within ranges. I also love the new plastic ships Firelock are beginning to produce. You can grab a 28mm plastic Sloop in this campaign, I have signed up for 3. I cant think of any other plastic minis in this genre on the market right now, or indeed a plastic Sloop of this scale so I am super excited, and not just about that but also because Mike and Firelock are superb people and they deserve every success.

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Episode 189: Mal M (PATM Legend)

This episode I speak to a stalwart member of the PATM team and discord server, Mal. Mal is a huge positive presence in our discord community and consistently gives to our group, inspiring and empowering as he goes. We shared an hour and a bit of our time together and talked a lot about people. Our hobby involved, and therefore revolves around people and what they choose to do, not do, and how they conduct themselves. We have a wide ranging chat from RPG’s to Co op games, a sprinkling of competitive games, and a whole bunch of other stuff in-between, there is even some terrible dad jokes in there too.

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