Episode 191: Davie 'Thommo' Thompson - What Makes A Good Game?
This episode I speak to David Thompson a second time. I spoke to David about himself and also Sniper Elite, the hidden movement game back in episode 181 and I asked him to come back onto the show and we have a chin wag about the things that he feels make a good game. Its a wide ranging chat from nicknames, to game length, to intent, card mechanics, I even get a couple of sauce references in there too.
I have enjoyed the two chats with David thus far, I really seem to click with his ethos and how he decides to create his games. We also talk a little about his new game Dire Alliance. Dire Alliance seems a little like the game the Avengers would make. David is one of 4 designers, the game has 2 game modes, it has card tokens, or you can upgrade to an edition that has plastic minis. Also it seems to have a lot in common with games David has designed previously so I am super excited to see it, plus the addition of minis adds a whole new level of interest. Dire Alliance is a gothic/victorian horror game with vampires, witch hunters etc etc, I am sure you know the trope. But it is a genre I havent painted much of so I am excited to get involved with it. You can check out the link in the description if you feel you may like it. Base core pledge is fiddy bucks, double if you want to add the 70+ plastic minis. Its superb that they offer the sans minis version, I think that is a great shout.
Check out Dire Alliance here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blacklistgames/dire-alliance-horror?ref=android_project_share
Talking of David, we have just started our War Chest league on our discord server, a weekly fun league where we wlll battle it out each week until it is apparent who is alpha nerd, David is also a pretty regular participant on our server and he is pretty cool to hang out with so if you want to talk to these great people who make games we love then come on over, patreon.com/paintalltheminis