In this article we’re going to look at the tokens, rules, and general gubbins that come with Oak & Iron, and I’ll give you my impression of the included bits, and if they ‘feel right’ or not.
Read MoreMay was a month of games, I filmed about 6 battle reports for the YouTube channel. Almost finished off my very modest goal of my Cold War, Hot French. Missed it by one mini, but then again games like 7 Days to the River Rhine make it easy to accomplish projects. I did some major spring cleaning as well, re-organized my painting station and my miniature cabinet. This ate into a lot of toddler is asleep hobby time, but I was able to find some minis that I had no plans for and chuck them on eBay. This in turn gave me the slush funds necessary to finally take the plunge into Adeptus Titancus (thanks a lot Casey) but more on that later.
Read MoreApril was an interesting month. On one end I played no games, and on the other I did 2 rulebook reviews and a video report of Ultracombat Normandy. That being said, this was a slow month for painting. However, I feel like the quality of my work is improving and I managed to challenge myself by tackling different paints and methods. I really wanted to focus on how I visualize this blog. For example, I will refer to time periods when it makes sense over game systems, then individually call out the game systems as they come up. Game systems will be in bold and projects will be in italics. This helps me continuing the narrative of a project through the months. I hope you enjoy this entry and that you check out some of the other articles I have been working on at Paint All the Minis and my own blog listed at the end of the article.
Read MoreA lot of awesome progress has happened since I last wrote. I’ll do a quick catch up to the status of my projects and I will talk about the Bolt Action Mediterranean Tournament that I participated!
Read MoreThis year for 2019 I wanted to be more methodical about the time I spent gaming, the games I play and the miniatures I paint. In 2018 I moved from Oahu to San Antonio, with the move came access to a larger community of gamers that were willing and able to play almost every game out there. I went from only being able to play Infinity and Warmachine to everything from Saga to Modern Bolt Action. In the 9 months since the move I have accumulated a ridiculous amount of unpainted miniatures and in 2019 I look to a) paint those minis b) tighten my shot group.
Read MoreMoooooore Nighthaunt!!! LOL I don’t think I will ever finish these guys, but it is OK, I enjoy painting them. I have a very bad habit of being a completionist. Some will say this is a good thing, but when I am painting armies that can have 100’s of troops, this tends to burn me out… FAST!
Read MoreNighthaunt!!! So I started putting together some AoS Nighthaunt lists and I am gonna try the “Slow Grow” league at my local shop. That being said, I starting putting together models. After magnetizing over 100 models I decided to take a break and kit bash some Respawn points.
Read MoreJoin Jody as he updates us on his hobbying so far. This week he shows off his Tau Killteam which is now ready for battle…
Read MoreIt’s time to join Landy again for another issue of the Hobby Blog, and this week he’s had a bit of a painting slump, but it’s all good as he’s been getting his hobby on in other ways. So enough with the preamble, let’s get down to business!..
Read MoreThis week saw the 100th episode of the PATM Paint Ramble Podcast…Today (12th Nov 2018) also marks the soft opening of the PATM store…Now then onto my hobbying. I am done with my imperials from Star Wars Legion pretty much, just a few bits on the speeder bikes and Darth Vader to do and then I am finished. Same with the Starks from A Song of Ice and Fire.
Read MoreThis week we join Blam as he starts building the bases for his new Tau Kill Team. Here is the process he likes to use to build most bases.
Read MoreIt’s been quite the long work week, and I couldn’t be happier to that I’ve had the weekend so that I could really work in earnest on some projects I’ve been puttering along on the last couple of weeks.
Read MoreI’m back up to hobby normality in terms of number of projects…. At the moment I have my A Song OF Ice & Fire guys, Star Wars Legion (Fresh in), and I began doing some characters for ASOIAF for the Paint All The Minis Facebook group’s monthly activity ‘MONSTERS!’
Read MoreWelcome to Blam’s first hobby blog! I have a few projects I am working on, I usually have about 4 or so going at a time. The main project I am working on right now are my Harlequin Kill Team…
Read MoreWelcome painters big and small to the latest edition of the Weekly Blog! As Dan mentioned last time around, this blog is going to be about sharing a more fireside view of the miniatures hobby with you all.
Read MoreWelcome to the first ever hobby blog on the new PATM webiste. I hope that we can use the blogs as a way to communicate with each other and to motivate, inspire, and work together in our geeking. Landy, Jody, and I will all be providing hobby blogs, you will hear from me every third week.
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