May was a month of games, I filmed about 6 battle reports for the YouTube channel. Almost finished off my very modest goal of my Cold War, Hot French. Missed it by one mini, but then again games like 7 Days to the River Rhine make it easy to accomplish projects. I did some major spring cleaning as well, re-organized my painting station and my miniature cabinet. This ate into a lot of toddler is asleep hobby time, but I was able to find some minis that I had no plans for and chuck them on eBay. This in turn gave me the slush funds necessary to finally take the plunge into Adeptus Titancus (thanks a lot Casey) but more on that later.
Read MoreA lot of awesome progress has happened since I last wrote. I’ll do a quick catch up to the status of my projects and I will talk about the Bolt Action Mediterranean Tournament that I participated!
Read MoreThis year for 2019 I wanted to be more methodical about the time I spent gaming, the games I play and the miniatures I paint. In 2018 I moved from Oahu to San Antonio, with the move came access to a larger community of gamers that were willing and able to play almost every game out there. I went from only being able to play Infinity and Warmachine to everything from Saga to Modern Bolt Action. In the 9 months since the move I have accumulated a ridiculous amount of unpainted miniatures and in 2019 I look to a) paint those minis b) tighten my shot group.
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