About us
Here At Paint All The Minis CARE and ENTHUSIASM are at the forefront of our minds. We only work with people who share those core values and we hope this shines through in all the work we do.
meet our team
Paint All The Minis offers you a wide array of interesting content for you to engage with. We work with content producers who are passionate about what they do and bring them together to produce Painting Tutorials, BatReps, Unboxing Videos, Podcasts and much more. We strive to bring you the widest breadth of content. Your support will help us to connect with more content producers and offer even more quality and quantity. We sincerely hope you enjoy PATM and our content. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and Website for the most UP-TO-DATE news.
Dan Adam
Dan Adam is the Founder and Coordinator of Paint All The Minis. His goal is to give people who also enjoy the tabletop, boardgame, and miniature painting hobby a place to connect and engage. He also hosts the Paint All The Minis Podcast. A weekly podcast that you can access via our website, Facebook page or most podcast providers such as Spotify and iTunes. Here he talks to a wide variety of people about their hobby journey and experiences.
He loves meeting new people and sharing their stories no matter who they are, we all have a story.
Patch Adams
Patch Adams has been wargaming and painting since 2012, having taken the hobby up on the birth of his first child. He is a dedicated Dad gamer with three young kids only 13 months apart in age. His painting style is all about making the best use of available time and takes pride in being able to produce complete well-painted armies for wargaming in very short periods of time. He really enjoys helping others through sharing techniques that can improve their painting and enjoyment of the hobby.
Cutting his teeth with historical WW2 armies he has branched out into fantasy through Kings of War and sci-fi with Warhammer 40k. The consistency throughout his painting is getting the miniatures to pop by using bright contrasting colours. He considers himself an army painter with a focus on playing with the miniatures, quite often very badly.
Bryan cook
Bryan Cook will be creating step-by-step painting guides to help you get your forces painted.
He is a big fan of 28mm scale and is currently collecting and playing Napoleonics for Sharp Practice, Second World War for Bolt Action, Fantasy armies for Kings of War and dabbling in Sci-Fi with Star Wars Legion, Necromunda and Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team.
He thinks the hobby is the perfect storm of artistic skill, strategic thinking and fun with your mates!
Seamus has been an avid wargamer since first stumbling on a game of Battletech in the mid 90’s. Though he seems to spend more time painting and planning force lists than actually playing games, this paid off when he had a miniature appear in a Bolt Action campaign book. Having attained this level of gaming nirvana, he now paints whatever is currently of interest, whether Historicals, Marvel, Middle Earth, Frostgrave, or too many other games. Seamus hopes to be a positive contributor to the global gaming community, and helps the PATM family by proofreading, spell checking, and being moral support for Dan.
Dave first discovered the hobby in the very early 90s through HeroQuest and the Rogue Trader Era of Warhammer 40k. Armed with nothing but super glue, scissors and some sharpies, he butchered the now classic RTB01 Imperial Space Marines. After obtaining the original Space Marine Paint Set and How to Paint Citadel Miniatures, he discovered the joy of Painting Minis.
Dave loves a wide variety of rules and miniatures and is more of a hobbyist than a gamer. He enjoys historicals but no longer takes it too seriously and prefers the rule of cool over button counting. He has previously painted large historical forces but now prefers smaller more skirmish type forces not limited to just historicals. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, post-apocolyptic and alternate history are his go-to and are a great way to get creative with the hobby. Dave has no set paint style and is always combining old and new techniques with the latest paints and enjoys picking out eye-catching details whilst skipping over others.
A wargamer since the 80s (yes, he remembers buying Rogue Trader when it was released), Jon has been painting minis for so long you'd have thought he'd be better by now. However, he's keen to learn new painting skills and improve his ability with a brush for which the School of YouTube has been really helpful as well as the ever-supportive PATM community. These days, he paints a wide range of minis from Wild West to Sci-Fi via Pirates and Fantasy, mostly driven by whatever game he's playing next. Occasional forays into entering competitions have inexplicably failed to deliver any wins, but he keeps trying, which is the important thing.
Travis will be producing battle reports and video hobby series for Paint All The Minis. He has been painting models and tabletop gaming for the past ten years, ever since that fateful day in 2008 when he sat bored at his kid’s Pokémon tournament and noticed his first box of Space Marines. Since then he has been hooked on all aspects of the tabletop gaming hobby. He is the creator of the Tabletop CP where for two and a half years he and his band of miscreants have been making battle reports and the occasional painting tutorial. Travis’ main interest is historical gaming, with a particular interest in World War Two and the black powder era, and dabbling in modern warfare. He has been known to play Bolt Action but lately has converted to the Way of the Lard and become a lover of Chain of Command and Sharp Practice by Too Fat Lardies.