Landy's Hobby Blog
It’s been quite the long work week, and I couldn’t be happier to that I’ve had the weekend so that I could really work in earnest on some projects I’ve been puttering along on the last couple of weeks.
The first of these is my Kings of War Vanguard pledge models that arrived earlier this week. Work really took its toll on me this week and I wasn’t able to get as far along as I would have liked, but I managed to assemble my giant at last. It took as long as it did in part because of the exhaustion, but also because of the difficult choice in sweet looking parts! I finally settled on something that struck a balance between menacing and cool looking.
I said it earlier this week, but this giant is a stunning piece of work that builds up quite easily. I only had minor issues with gaps, but I’ll be sorting them out with some modelling putty since they’re in relatively obscure areas on the model.
I had a couple of projects I was working on that were monster related for the challenge, but I still couldn’t decide which to go with. But after seeing this guy in the flesh and seeing how truly monstrous it is, I think I’m going to put all of my other projects aside so I can fully paint this guy up with the time left. Especially since he has his own dedicated scenario in the game, so it’ll be even further motivation to get the rest of the stuff assembled and painted up!
Speaking of other projects, as Dan mentioned in his hobby blog last week, I like to have a couple of different irons in the fire, to avoid boredom/fatigue working on one project nonstop if it’s going to take a while to finish. Lately, my desk has been an anachronistic nightmare, with Greek hoplites for Mortal Gods, the kaiju Gorghadra from Monsterpocalypse, and a Gundam model kit. Now I just need some cowboys and napoleonics to really round out the hodge podge of stuff on the desk queue waiting to be painted!
Do you prefer to work on one project at a time, even forcing yourself to avoid other projects until another is done, or do you like to spin plates, keeping various projects going simultaneously to nibble back and forth through until you’re done? Let us know what your preferred plan of attack is and what you’ve been working on as of late!