Episode 197: Thibaud (Triton Noir)

This episode I speak again to Thibaud de la Touanne of Triton Noir. Triton Noir produce the excellent V Commandos game, the upcoming Assassins Creed: Brotherhood of Venice….AAAAAAANDD the upcoming V Commandos deluxe edition coming in the first half of 2021. I spoke to Thibaud back on episode 128 where we talked about his personal history plus a little of V Commandos and Assassins Creed. This time we catch up with what has changed for him over the last year along with developments in Assassins Creed and finish up with some details about the nw 3d and gameplay elements being added to V Commandos.

We also take some time to chat about inspirations and ethos when it comes to games design, I always enjoy those parts of the chats most. So if you are here to listen to juicy details about a new Kickstarter then PATM is probably never for you. Its about the stories and backgrounds of these things. Loads of people would do a much better job than me talking about the campaign.

I must thank Thibaud for taking some time to talk to me about himself and his company, it is always a pleasurable experience.