Episode 194: Forrest H (Knuckleduster Miniatures)
This episode I talk to Forrest Harris about his personal history and story, plus also his miniature company Knuckleduster. Getting to know Forrest was a great experience for me, finding out about him and the reasons behind Knuckleduster along with a little bit about his research process and sculpting ethos. Knuckleduster are probably most renowned for their wild west range of miniatures, their game Gunfighters Ball, and their upcoming board game Gunfight Royale which is coming to Kickstarter in January.
I have mentioned it a few times but western games are getting harder to ignore, there are at least 3 rule sets that I want to get in on right now and there are some great terrain sets out there too, maybe in the new year it will be a new project for 2021. Knuckleduster will be top of the list for minis.
Thanks to Forrest for coming onto the show and also being a founder member of PATMOCON that we hosted in April 2020. Forrest and Knuckleduster had a virtual booth and one of the highlights for me personally was the guided tour of their operation with a view into their workshop and casting process, something we just wouldn’t usually have a chance to see at all, pretty special.
I hope you enjoy the show an it is another great insight into a brilliant personality involved in our hobby.