Blam's Marvelous Miniature Monday

What up Ladies and Germs!!!!! It is another Monday and we are getting closer and closer to Christmas.... yay... :) I am just bitter because Santa knows I have been bad all year and I am not getting anything. I hope everyone's hobbying is going well. This weekend I got all of my Nighthaunt put together, based and primed. So now I am about to start slinging paints and glazes like a mad man! I can't wait to start rezzing these lil ghosties on the battlefield :)

Anyway, enough about me, let's get to what we are all here for... BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!

Holy jeez! There is sooooooooo much talent here! I looooove scrolling through here and getting inspiration. And NOW I can go to the PATM site and even find tutorials!! It is amazing to see what this group is becoming. I am so glad to be a part of such a great group of peeps. I love you all!!!!! But this week I love these guys a little more :)

Josh Gifford, William T West, Do-Il Bak, Christian Delaney and Steve Janis. Thank you all for sharing your amazing work with us all and keeping us inspired!