Posts tagged Star Wars Legion
Star Wars Legion Galactic Campaign Preview

Michael from the War Corgi YouTube Channel offers his initial thoughts on the campaign system he is developing for Star Wars Legion. It uses the map and components from Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Rebellion board game. With luck, he will be using this campaign system to produce even more immersive narrative battle reports for Paint All The Minis. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the campaign system, make sure to leave them in a comment below!

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Star Wars Legion Endor Campaign Ep 5: Sound the Alert!

Michael and Max face off in the second battle report for their ongoing Endor Campaign series. Han Solo, Princess Lea, and Chewbacca lead the rebel attack against Imperial forces attempting to alert their command of rebel presence on the moon. Of course Stormtrooper officer Lt. Koba is back to lead the Imperial forces in this penultimate mission for the campaign! If you did not check out the previous episodes of the series, make you go back and watch them first to catch up on the action. We posted the Campaign Rules on the Paint All the Minis Facebook page, so why not join us there to follow along and stay for the great community.

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Star Wars Legion Endor Campaign Ep 4: Gear Up!

Michael and Max face off in the first battle report of their Endor Campaign Series. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca lead the rebels in a mission to recover supplies cached on the moon. This routine mission becomes much more complicated when an Imperial patrol lead by Lt. Koba stumbles upon their location! If you did not check out the previous episodes of the series, make you go back and watch them before continuing. We posted the Campaign Rules on the Paint All the Minis Facebook page, so why not join us there to follow along and stay for the great community there!

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Project Showcase: Star Wars Legion Imperials

Welcome to a showcase of a recently completed project of mine, an Imperial force for Star Wars Legion. This force will grow in the future but for now it represents a solid painted collection that gives me more than enough to play a standard sized battle and change up my army list between games. Well let’s head off to Tatooine to meet the garrison of Mos Eisley Spaceport, ensuring the Empire’s grip on this hive of scum and villainy…

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Dan's Hobby Blog

This week saw the 100th episode of the PATM Paint Ramble Podcast…Today (12th Nov 2018) also marks the soft opening of the PATM store…Now then onto my hobbying. I am done with my imperials from Star Wars Legion pretty much, just a few bits on the speeder bikes and Darth Vader to do and then I am finished. Same with the Starks from A Song of Ice and Fire.

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