Join Travis and Andre as they finish Operation Greatsword with the Central Courtyard scenario!
Read MoreFor this painting challenge, members were tasked with painting up either a fire or ice themed miniature, or both if they were feeling so adventurous! There were a bunch of entries despite the holiday season slowing things down, and everyone really took the challenge to heart to create something that addressed the challenge in their own way!
Read MoreThis week I get to know Travis from Tabletop CP a little more. Travis has a youtube channel where he puts together content for a number of games that he loves, you will hear about what games and why he does it in the show.
Read MoreJoin Tyler as he breaks down his Ranger, companions, and enemies for Mission 1 of Rangers of Shadow Deep! This is the first video in a series for Rangers of Shadow Deep, so stay tuned and subscribed for more adventures!
Read MoreToday, Tyler opens up the Town Centre Terrain Crate from Mantic Games! Perfect for fleshing out your historical or fantasy towns and making them feel lived in! Check out the video and be sure to check out all the content here on!
There can be only one! Join Christopher with the Unboxing of the recently Kickstarted Highlander Board Game from River Horse that has just come out to backers. There are some lovely minis in here and some really nice game components for what promises to be a good value game.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he begins a mini project with this unboxing and introduction to the miniatures of the game V Commando!
Read MoreHullo one and all! It’s been an especially long work week, and somehow it’s only half way over! On the bright side, that means the weekend is on the horizon and it’s time again for my favorite article on the site, another Wishlist Wednesday! So let’s push start this car downhill and see where the road leads!
Read MoreToday, Tyler builds the MDF cottage, townhouse, and barn from War World Gaming's Medieval Town set. Great for historical and fantasy games, so stay tuned for some battle reports coming out soon that will feature these buildings!
Read MoreJoin Jody as he updates us on his hobbying so far. This week he shows off his Tau Killteam which is now ready for battle…
Read MoreTravis battles Cole in a game of Chain of Command set in the Pacific. US Marines attempt to punch through a thin Japanese line.
Read MoreJoin Nick as he shows us his paint work of the contents of the Nightvault box from GW. Great work as always, next up are some Bat reps!!!
Read MoreThis week saw the 100th episode of the PATM Paint Ramble Podcast…Today (12th Nov 2018) also marks the soft opening of the PATM store…Now then onto my hobbying. I am done with my imperials from Star Wars Legion pretty much, just a few bits on the speeder bikes and Darth Vader to do and then I am finished. Same with the Starks from A Song of Ice and Fire.
Read MoreHey there everyone, in what is becoming a bit of a Paint All The Minis feature I’d like to share with you my thoughts about why I would like to shimmy on a little closer to Relicblade the Moldorf Expedition. It’s certainly making me hot under the collar and I may need to have a sit down and remove my sweater!
Read MoreToday we join Nick aka British Legion as he Unboxes Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault.
Coming up next time, stay tuned for his painting showcase. We hope you enjoy!
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Mike Tuñez of Firelock Games about their current Kick Starter for the 1:600th scale squadron/fleet game Oak & Iron.
Read MoreEpisode 100 is here and I couldn’t have done anything without people to talk to, many MANY thanks to all of you for both being guests and for listening to the show its consistenly astonishing that people come on and people take the time to listen. This episode a veritable smorgasbord of our 100 episodes to date…
Read MoreWe join British Legion in the last of the Moonstone videos as he shows off the Goblins from the Game.
Read MorePlaying with painted models adds a much greater feeling of depth to our games. Playing any game is fun but there is a much stronger attachment to your forces after you have painted them up and then see them standing proudly after being deployed, ready to charge towards the enemy.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Nick aka British Legion from the British Legion youtube channel.
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