Join Travis on the outskirts of Dunkirk as The BEF attempts to hold off the German Blitzkrieg for just a little bit longer….
Read MoreJoin Travis and Cole for the 4th Game in their Storming the Citadel Campaign.
The Germans attempt to clear the rest of Botovo of soviet defenders. Lt. Petrov and his platoon hang on desperately in hopes of delaying the German attack for a little while longer.
Read MoreJoin Travis and Andre as they finish Operation Greatsword with the Central Courtyard scenario!
Read MoreTravis battles Cole in a game of Chain of Command set in the Pacific. US Marines attempt to punch through a thin Japanese line.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he Unboxes the 28mm War of Independence Continental Dragoons Miniatures.
Stay tuned for the next 2 videos in this series to see what Travis has in store for us next.
Read MoreJoin Travis in this Painting Tutorial as he takes us on a journey to bring Delilah the notorious rebel spy to life.
Read MoreWe check back in with Travis as he begins the dismounted versions of his American War of Independence British Dragoons.
Read MoreWe join Travis as he shows us how he paints up his British Dragoons as he gets them ready for the table.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he unboxes and begins his journey of assembling & painting the American Civil War British Dragoons.
Read MoreJoin Travis from Tabletop CP as he teaches us how to play Sharp Practice from The Two Fat Lardies. Sharp Practice is a skirmish game set in the age of black powder, prime The first of many Batreps we hope to share with you, come and check out for more articles/batreps/tutorials.
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