Join Michael from the War Corgi YouTube channel as he begins his journey into the fantasy rank and flank game Oathmark.
Read MoreIn this video Drek unboxes Warlord Games' new 1/1800 Naval Combat Game "Victory at Sea".
Read MoreWelcome to this unboxing of the Centenary edition of "The Great War" by Plastic Solider Company.
Read MoreWe take a look at the contents of CMON’s new Zombicide Invader. Play as a group of survivors trapped on a hostile colony world swarming with zombie like aliens!
Read MoreJoin Travis as he starts a brand new Hobby Series for the new Warlord Games ancients skirmish game SPQR! In the first video Travis does a quick unboxing of the starter set and lays out his plan for building his forces.
Read MoreToday Tyler unboxes Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum! This is a brand new Rank-and-Flank fantasy wargame with a boatload of miniatures, so grab a beverage, kick your feet up, and get ready to see some sprues in this massive core box!
Read MoreJoin Michael from the War Corgi YouTube Channel as he unboxes the core box for Ground Zero Games starship combat game “Full Thrust”.
Read MoreCasey from Mini Studio Bros takes a look at the new Moldorf Expedition expansion for Relicblade.
Read MoreJoin Casey as he takes a look through the Warlord Games Cruel Seas “Strike Hard Strike Fast” Starter set! 1/300 adventures on the high seas with some incredibly detailed boats and terrain! He takes a good poke around in the box and shows us what is in there!
Read MoreJoin Travis as he sets out on a journey to the land of Erehewon! This is the first video in a new hobby series taking the new Warlords of Erehwon game from box to battlefield!
In this episode Travis shows what comes in the starter set and lays out his plans for building his forces and also for future instalments.
Read MoreThis Giant is truly GIANT! Today, Tyler unboxes and reviews the massive new Kings of War Giant by Mantic Games! Check it out and add a colossal Giant to your army, because, c'mon, you know you want it.
Read MoreJoin Tyler as he begins an army from start to finish using Watchful I Studio Terracotta warriors for use in Kings of War! Part 1 focuses on model reviews and planning for what needs to be done!
Read MoreToday, Tyler opens up the Town Centre Terrain Crate from Mantic Games! Perfect for fleshing out your historical or fantasy towns and making them feel lived in! Check out the video and be sure to check out all the content here on!
There can be only one! Join Christopher with the Unboxing of the recently Kickstarted Highlander Board Game from River Horse that has just come out to backers. There are some lovely minis in here and some really nice game components for what promises to be a good value game.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he begins a mini project with this unboxing and introduction to the miniatures of the game V Commando!
Read MoreToday, Tyler builds the MDF cottage, townhouse, and barn from War World Gaming's Medieval Town set. Great for historical and fantasy games, so stay tuned for some battle reports coming out soon that will feature these buildings!
Read MoreTake a journey with Drek In the first episode of the this Dropfleet Commander Series we cover and overview of the universe before delving into the 2 Player Starter box!
Read MoreJoin Travis as he Unboxes the 28mm War of Independence Continental Dragoons Miniatures.
Stay tuned for the next 2 videos in this series to see what Travis has in store for us next.
Read MoreJoin Nick from British Legion in an unboxing of Games Workshops Underworld Shadespire Sepulchral Guard and a quick glance at the characters traits and how to play.
Next time we'll be joining Nick for a Painting Showcase followed by a Battle Report.
Read MoreToday we join Nick aka British Legion as he Unboxes Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault.
Coming up next time, stay tuned for his painting showcase. We hope you enjoy!
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