Jimbob here with my very first painting tutorial. Being my first ever tutorial I decided to jump in at the deep end and show you all how I painted my 28mm British Redcoats for a forthcoming French Indian War (FIW) based Sharp Practice event I am attending.
Read MoreWelcome to a showcase of a recently completed project of mine, an Anglo-Spanish force for the game Sharp Practice. This Napoleonic skirmish force will grow in the future but for now it represents a solid painted collection that gives me more than enough to play a standard sized battle. Let’s head off to the dusty plains and scorched mountains of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 1800’s to take a look at this little force standing up to the might of Napoleon …
Read MoreThis week I speak to Rich from Too Fat Lardies. Rich and his partner Nick create rules for a number of genres from the black powder era, WW2, to Sci Fi.
Read MoreJoin Travis and Steve in the Battle of the Dragoons! Newly arrived Captain Tallmadge and his Continental Dragoons face off against the dastardly Lt. George Ramsbottom for best dragoon commander bragging rights!
Read MoreJoin Travis for another Sharp Practice Battle Report! In this scenario Captain Gage sets out to rescue a certain Mr Ramsbottom.
Read MoreJoin Travis from Tabletop CP as he teaches us how to play Sharp Practice from The Two Fat Lardies. Sharp Practice is a skirmish game set in the age of black powder, prime The first of many Batreps we hope to share with you, come and check out paintalltheminis.com for more articles/batreps/tutorials.
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