Episode 110 : Rich (Too Fat Lardies: Sharp Practice, Chain of Command, and more)
This week I speak to Rich from Too Fat Lardies. Rich and his partner Nick create rules for a number of genres from the black powder era, WW2, to Sci Fi.
During our chat we talk about Rich’s background along with a number of different areas that came up when we chatted. This episode is literally hot off the press, I only just recorded it and so there maybe a few rougher edges than usual but I wanted to make sure that you guys had an episode to listen to.
It was a genuine pleasure to talk to Rich and I hope you enjoy the show, if you haven’t checked out any Too Fat Lardies games then make sure you do. As I allude to in the show it is very easy to pick up a rule set and play with figures you already have, you wont need to buy hundreds of pounds worth of new models to interact with their rule sets, plus how they focus on characters in their games is a really fun aspect.