Posts in Wishlist Wednesday
Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

G'mornin one and all! It's that time of week when I ponder quitting my day job and running away to join the circus. Except that it's not a circus, it's my hobby desk, and there's painting minis involved. Oh and there are often lions and tigers, and monkeys, but I don't have to clean up after them...unless there's an Agrax Eathshade or Nuln Oil spill. Ahem, I digress. What this all amounts to is another midweek slump, and I've got the cure: another edition of the Wishlist Wednesday!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Howdy partners! It’s been quite the seven days since we spoke last! Work’s been a bear as usual, but there has been hobby bench time to keep me sane! As matter of fact, I’ve got some new goodies to share with you all, including some Kickstarter games I picked up recently, and some awesome new projects that need some extra little special touches to make them perfect. So without further ado, let’s get stuck in shall we?

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Goooooood morning Paint All The Minis fam! Everyone staying warm and toasty with this Polar Vortex? Even down here in Texas we’re hitting freezing temps for a couple of days! Talk about some powerful ice magic. After all, with a name like “Polar Vortex” it sounds like the type of nasty spell your army trembles at the thought of! Anywho, if only the temperatures meant the weather so foul I could stay home, but alas, it’s not meant to be. But fear not, it’s Wednesday, and that of course means it’s time for another Wishlist!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Top o’ the morning my fellow styrene addicts! It’s that time again when I wax poetic about all of the things that are burning a hole in a wallet this week! It’s been quite the long work week and on top of that the weather has turned quite miserable around here—all of that means that it’s the perfect sort of weather to stay indoors and paint! I’ve got this upcoming weekend off as well, so I’m definitely itching to get some quality hobby time in! So without further ado, let’s see what’s got this junkie jonesing for another miniature fix!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Welcome ladies and gentlegerms! We’re fast approaching the holidays and that means that there are a good number of you still shopping for hobby related gifts (read: looking at all of the new upcoming goodies and wondering if they’ll be under the tree for you!) I myself have been ogling, pondering, and planning new painting projects; curious to see what those are? Look no further, it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Now that the feasting has ended and the wallets have had a chance to cool off after the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s time once again for my favorite article of the week. In the pantheon of named days, it stands above the rest. Yes, it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday! So let’s see what new miniature fixations I’ve got to share with you all!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Miniaturists near and far, have you seen the latest miniature addictions to be announced or released this week? If not, fear not, for it’s that time again for you and I to share in our mutual addiction and see what’s in store for our wallets. You guess it, it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday!

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