Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Don’t try to adjust your phone screens, we control the vertical and the horizontal. You are about to enter...the Wishlist Wednesday! A place where plastic, metal, and resin are not what they seem and so much more! It’s been a week since our last get together, and boy, is there lots to ogle and gush about this week, so without further ado, let’s get stuck in!

First, I am extremely pleased to say that my Kings of War Vanguard pledge arrived Monday (by miraculous intervention no doubt, since the shipping address got flubbed up three different times!) While it’s been on the wishlist before (mostly because I was waiting for it to finally ship), it’s here once again, in all of its glory for me to show off! I’ll have more to show this week, but for now, this should make everyone as excited as I was to see it.

Not only is it MASSIVE, but the sculpting on it is unreal! I can’t wait to get this bad boy painted up and run the Capture the Giant scenario!

So now that I have a full-fledged fantasy skirmish game to play, I need a proper game mat to go with it. I was foolish (read: broke at the time) and didn’t get the neoprene mat Mantic offered during the Kickstarter. I really wish I would have, as none of the ones I’ve come across have been so inexpensive! With that said, F.A.T. Mat just announced that they are having a 20% sale on their mats, so now might be the time to pick up a couple. They’ve got a couple of double sided mats available in 3x3, and Kill Team size so I could cover all of my bases for my skirmishing needs! There’s even an ocean one that seems like it would be perfect for Warlord Games’ upcoming Cruel Seas! Decisions, decisions...

All of this skirmish sized gaming of late has made me really want to step up my terrain/scenery as well. Especially since it really helps to create a much more immersive experience for the players. After picking up some bases from Sarissa Precision for the Mortal Gods game, I gave their terrain catalog a browse and fell in love with the Burrows and Badgers line of buildings. While they’re not exactly meant for, say Kings of War, Age of Sigmar, or Company of Iron, they are in the right scale and they look quite fantastical. The price is right too, and with such low shipping, I think it’s going to be my next purchase from them.

So this week has been all about the realms we fight over for me, rather than the actual miniatures themselves, but I think that these things deserve their own time in the spotlight because of how much they play a part in immersive gameplay—I think they carry as much weight as a fully realised paint job on an army or warband. What are your thoughts on terrain and mats? Do you care to play on them or do you let shops or others handle the terrain aspect of gameplay? Do you craft your own scratch built terrain perhaps? Share your thoughts or projects with us! And until next time, stay thirsty paint water drinkers!