Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

‘Ello friends one and all! If you’re anything like me, you’re excited for the holiday season for a multitude of reasons—getting together with family, all of the good food....and of course, all of the hobby time! On top of all of that, there’s also the fine tradition of holiday shopping and all of the sweet sweet deals various stores and companies are offering. What does all of that mean for today’s Wishlist? I’ll be looking at some items that have been on my radar recently that it might finally be time to get! So let’s get down to the business, shall we?

First, Warlord has been running a series of changing sales on their site, so there’s no telling what will be on sale next. So far they’ve done Buy two get one specials on Black Powder, various sprues at 50% off, and select tanks and vehicles at 50% off as well. You can check them out here.

I’ve definitely been watching this sale like a hawk, since I’ve had a particular affinity for various Warlord games lately. If you’re interested in any of their games, it’s definitely worth checking out, even if it’s just to pick up a sprue or two to have something new to paint or test out schemes on.

Neal over at the Warstore is going to be running a Black Friday sale on all sorts of stuff. Extra discounts on top of already discounted items, overstock/clearance sales, freebies and other incentives. They’ll go live Midnight Thursday (late Wednesday), so if there’s a particular game system you want some minis from or stuff that jumps out at you from the clearance section, now’s going to be the time to get it. I’m thinking I might finally break down and get some Infinity models people in the group have been making me drool over!

Fans of the Iron Kingdoms can rejoice as well, since Privateer Press is currently running their Black Friday sales a bit early. The immensely popular Mystery Boxes are back, this time with a price tag of $124 USD, but with a guaranteed gargantuan or battle engine model, and loads of other stuff valued well over the price of the box. Plus, if you purchase more than one at a time, they will not send duplicates, so that’s always a good thing. Regardless of what you buy, there are tiered discounts and freebies offered, so it’s worth checking out here.

For folks from the great white north, Out of the Box Sports Cards & Collectibles will be running specials Friday for all sorts of miniatures games and hobby supplies. Folks near and far will be able to participate since the store also has a website, so if there’s something there that you need, then give it a looksee here.

Page member Brent Henneberry has been talking about the fantastic selection of paints and games that are in shop so I might be giving him a shopping list to get for me!

Loads of local shops are going to be running specials as well, but unfortunately the web presence is non-existent, so I’ll be having to hit the pavement for those. And I’m sure there are loads of other offers, so I’d greatly appreciate it if everyone could post any links to offers they spot around the web for everyone to have a browse.

So with that, another one of our wish lists has come to a close, and I just want to say that I’m so thankful for the past year of amazing community and camaraderie I’ve been privileged to be a part of! We’ve got a little over a month before the end of the year, but here’s to many more with you lot!