It’s time for another of…BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!! There is so much amazing work on here, it really is hard to not just "copy all" and call it a day, but what kind of host would I be if I did that? :)
Read MoreJoin Jody as he updates us on his hobbying so far. This week he shows off his Tau Killteam which is now ready for battle…
Read MoreGooood Morning paint fam! Join Blam as he introduces some of our awesome members and their painting skills in BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!
Read MoreOf course, I also stalked some of you guys work on here to see some amazing work to get me pumped and I have to say, you all never let me down :) So welcome to BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!
Read MoreThis week we join Blam as he starts building the bases for his new Tau Kill Team. Here is the process he likes to use to build most bases.
Read MoreWelcome to Blam’s first hobby blog! I have a few projects I am working on, I usually have about 4 or so going at a time. The main project I am working on right now are my Harlequin Kill Team…
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