Blam's Hobby Blog
The Tau are ready for the table!! I have been working on a Tau Killteam set for a couple weeks and I think they are ready to go. I wanted to do a camo scheme, because Killteam is based on small teams and urban terrain, I thought this would be cool to have them as some sort of futuristic looking camo.
I really enjoyed painting this set and freehanding the camo scheme. I bought a few “airbrush templates” that I could have sprayed, but at the end of the day I wanted to do it by hand. I enjoy having an airbrush, but I rarely use it for anything other than priming and some base colors. I want to try to do everything I can with a brush.
All in all, I am proud of these guys, I am very happy with how they came out . Now all I have to do is learn to play Killteam!!! :)
Now that these guys are done, I am going to finally start building my Kingdom Death set and my Nighthaunt set.
See you next time!