This year for 2019 I wanted to be more methodical about the time I spent gaming, the games I play and the miniatures I paint. In 2018 I moved from Oahu to San Antonio, with the move came access to a larger community of gamers that were willing and able to play almost every game out there. I went from only being able to play Infinity and Warmachine to everything from Saga to Modern Bolt Action. In the 9 months since the move I have accumulated a ridiculous amount of unpainted miniatures and in 2019 I look to a) paint those minis b) tighten my shot group.
Read MoreHey everyone! The hobby bench is alive with the sound of miniiiiiis! It’s been a minute since I last helmed the hobby blog, and boy, has a lot changed! Projects have come and gone, but in particular, the following:..
Read MoreHo, fellow brush lickers! It’s been a minute since we spoke last! My hobby time has been a bit of a rollercoaster—ups and downs of activity! At long last, I’ve got an end of year vacation planned, largely because me and the missus are expecting a visit from the stork any day now! The house has been a bit chaotic putting the final touches on preparations for the baby so the painting desk had sit idle until I stopped in at the local GW store and picked up a box of Death Guard Plague Marines last weekend.
Read MoreIt’s time to join Landy again for another issue of the Hobby Blog, and this week he’s had a bit of a painting slump, but it’s all good as he’s been getting his hobby on in other ways. So enough with the preamble, let’s get down to business!..
Read MoreThis week we join Blam as he starts building the bases for his new Tau Kill Team. Here is the process he likes to use to build most bases.
Read MoreIt’s been quite the long work week, and I couldn’t be happier to that I’ve had the weekend so that I could really work in earnest on some projects I’ve been puttering along on the last couple of weeks.
Read MoreHey we’d like to welcome Mike Schaefer to Paint All The Minis and thank him for his Guest Blog. We hope you enjoy it.
Read MoreI’m back up to hobby normality in terms of number of projects…. At the moment I have my A Song OF Ice & Fire guys, Star Wars Legion (Fresh in), and I began doing some characters for ASOIAF for the Paint All The Minis Facebook group’s monthly activity ‘MONSTERS!’
Read MoreWelcome to Blam’s first hobby blog! I have a few projects I am working on, I usually have about 4 or so going at a time. The main project I am working on right now are my Harlequin Kill Team…
Read MoreWelcome painters big and small to the latest edition of the Weekly Blog! As Dan mentioned last time around, this blog is going to be about sharing a more fireside view of the miniatures hobby with you all.
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