Episode 100: A Thank You To The Guests and Listeners

Ou’d av thunked it!!!

Episode 100 is here and I couldn’t have done anything without people to talk to, many MANY thanks to all of you for both being guests and for listening to the show its consistenly astonishing that people come on and people take the time to listen. 

I encourage you all to pick out an episode you may not have listened to as there are some amazing stories from people who may not immediately jump out to you. 

This episode a veritable smorgasbord of our 100 episodes to date with a smattering of trappings from people who took the time to send in a message. Many thanks to you if you sent in a message they were all appreciated and gratefully recieved. 

I hope you enjoy a trip back to a few episodes and hearing both some of Bryan Cook’s best bits and a couple that jump out to me. 

Big shout out to Tyler Goodflower on this show as he is away traveling around the world and I thought I’d give him a shout.
