In this final chat before the convention I talk to Dave Taylor who will be running the entrepreneur's alley (indie games), and Joseph McCullough the creator of Frostgrave (amongst other great games) about what they have planned for the weekend. If you STILL havent got a ticket then give your head a wobble and get one here:
Read MoreJoin Mat and I as we discuss a little of him, a little of Steamforged, and a lot of what they are plotting for the upcoming online convention. If you dont have a ticket you can grab one here:
Read MoreHey, I chat to Malcolm and James of Models for Heroes (Our Charity Partner) and The Drowned Earth respectively. If you have not got a ticket yet then you can grab one here:
Read MoreHey, Sit upon the carpet and hark, lets hear what Richi from Goblin King Games and Rich from Sarissa Precision have in store for us. If you havent picked up a ticket yet you can do so here:
Read MoreHey All, I check in with Rob from Mantic about the sorts of things they have been doing in preparation for PATMOCON on the 11th-13th of April. If you havent got a ticket yet then you can do so here:
Read MoreHey, Seeming as I have been displaced from China due to Corona and am struggling to record right now I thought I would release a previously patreon only episode! I hope you are all good and staying healthy! If you are generous enough to support us via patreon then it allows us to do more stuff!
Read MoreThis episode I speak to Jonas Ekman in a Why I love podcast where he talks about all the reasons he loves Open Combat. I will let Jonas talk to you about the details and why he loves it so much but some headlines are that Open Combat straddles skirmish/RPG games and allows you to use any models you have whilst also allowing you to stat them in any way you’d like . I really enjoy the Why I love podcasts and this one was no exception. I hope you enjoy the chat. We arent salesmen and we arent looking to influence you but if you like the sound of Open Combat you can find out more here:
Read MoreThis episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the writer of Gaslands, the post apocalyptic game of vehicular combat and racing, and also the upcoming game A Billion Suns which comes in 2020.
I loved talking to Mike as his demeanour, candour, and insight makes for a great chat. Its obvious from our chat that he is a positive & hard working guy and there were so many threads I would have liked to chase down but alas time marched ever on and I could ask all I wanted to. One key area that came up in our pre show and mid show chat was the idea of having a growth mindset, if you aren’t aware of what a growth mindset is then go and do some reading on it as it is something that I truly believe that can help in personal and professional situations. Carol Dweck is the person you need to look into.
Its something I dont claim to be perfect at, and Mike quite rightly pulls me up on some slack thoughts I put out there in regard to games but there is a common thread that pops up regularly on the show with people who have ‘done something’ in the hobby industry and that is their ability and craft are developed and honed with time and experience. Sounds simple and straight forward when you read of it but the execution is what separates people like Mike from other people who maybe have a great idea but just dont ever do anything with it.
I really do hope that I manage to get Mike back onto the show in the future as the hour literally flew by and it was a true pleasure.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Olly Gibson an average Joe just like you and me who enjoys the hobby but also has his YouTube channel Liberum Esse where he posts his thoughts. I will let Olly tell you what this means in due course. The show was a run rambly chat as it should be and covers a wide variety of things. It was great speaking to him and it is people like Olly that have made, will make, and currently make my experience in this hobby a positive one. I really subscribe to OIly’s ideas and the way he goes about things, very laid back, down to earth, and positive. I hope you enjoy the show!
Read MoreThis week I talk once again to Alessio Cavatore of River Horse Games. I spoke to Alessio back in episode 51 so if you want more info on his personal history then go and check that out. In this episode we talk about what he has been up to since our last chat, we poke about the diverse set of games and activities he has been up to with some huge and well known IP’s, and we also talk about what he thinks makes a good game. I am really enjoying revisiting previous podcast guests and asking them what they think makes a good game. Both Lardy Rich and Joseph McCollough have been on recently with their opinions and it has been so interesting to hear their opinions. From reenacting historical scenarios, to narratives, to sophistication though simplicity of rule set. Its always fun talking to Alessio and I hope you enjoy the show!
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Thomas Stoesser the creator of Stoessi’s Heroes, a company that makes historical characters to form part of your WW2 tabletop war-game factions. I wont spoil the story about how all this came about but what I will say is that the minis that are created for Stoessi’s Heroes are brilliant and would certainly take pride of place in your armies and give you a brilliant painting challenge.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Bryan Cook about his game supplement for Bolt Action, the 28mm scale WW2 tabletop game by Warlord Games.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk to Jon Harrington about all of the reasons he loves the Beyond the Gates of Antares game by Warlord Games. I’m not going to talk about it here as Jon does a great job of it during the show but needless to say I hope you enjoy this weeks ramble.
Read MoreThis week I speak to Mr Dan Faulconbridge of Wargames Illustrated. Wargames Illustrated is a monthly magazine by war gamers for war gamers that comes in both a physical and electronic format. They also offer a Prime service where you can get a more in-depth experience in the form of video content plus also access to their back catalogue which is certainly worth a look.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jan Wagner of Underground games. Jan recently ran a Kickstarter campaign for a minis board game Jagged Alliance 2. You can read the PATM article about Jagged Alliance 2 on the link below. As soon as the game is shipped we will be doing some video content for it and we cant wait.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Tyler Schulz. Tyler has been moonlighting recently on the PATM site giving us content from the walking dead. It was great to get to know Tyler a little more, his history, his insight, and also the things in the hobby he has enjoyed since he started doing it. Many thanks to Tyler for coming onto the show I hope you all enjoy it!
Read MoreThis week I talk to once again to Joseph McCullough the man behind Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago & most recently Rangers of Shadow deep.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Dave Munro about why he loves Konflikt '47. You’ll hear more about the game, its rules, and its genre in the show but a snapshot is that it is a weird world war 2 tabletop game but warlord games.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jason from Thunderchild Miniatures. We talk about his personal insight and experience plus his post apocalyptic game called Wasteman but wait….there's more, we also talk about his current Kickstarter campaign for his new game Goregasm Arena.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Michael aka Warcorgi from the Warcorgi YouTube channel. As you will hear in the show Michael started up his YouTube channel to record and publish bat reps for a number of games including Team Yankee and Warhammer 40k, amongst others.
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