WWII German Waffen SS Painting Guide

One of my army projects this year has been a platoon of German Waffen SS for Second World War gaming. These troops may have been rather unsavory characters but they make great subjects for painting minis with their distinctive camouflage and featured in most major battles, so are a useful force to have in your collection for gaming. In this step by step painting guide I will be covering how to paint these troops in their autumn/winter uniform and gear.

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Now that the feasting has ended and the wallets have had a chance to cool off after the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s time once again for my favorite article of the week. In the pantheon of named days, it stands above the rest. Yes, it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday! So let’s see what new miniature fixations I’ve got to share with you all!

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Episode 104: Marcin (Awaken Realms Fall of Avalon: Tainted Grail)

This week I talk to Marcin from Awaken Realms. Awaken Realms create board games that feature great minis. I was first aware of Awaken Realms through their This War of Mine board game that I played around a year ago. It is a really deep and immersive game that is thought provoking and has a very serious subject area but never the less it is engaging and interesting. 

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