PATM Monthly Paint Challenge January 2019

Wow! Our first painting challenge of the new year was a smashing success! Loads of awesome entries by folks looking to tackle new techniques and subjects without fear! I was especially pleased to see the variety of entries in this challenge and can’t wait to see what the rest of the new year’s challenges hold for us! Thank you to everyone who participated and gave it their best shot!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

G'mornin one and all! It's that time of week when I ponder quitting my day job and running away to join the circus. Except that it's not a circus, it's my hobby desk, and there's painting minis involved. Oh and there are often lions and tigers, and monkeys, but I don't have to clean up after them...unless there's an Agrax Eathshade or Nuln Oil spill. Ahem, I digress. What this all amounts to is another midweek slump, and I've got the cure: another edition of the Wishlist Wednesday!

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Daniel's Decisive Operations Hobby Blog

This year for 2019 I wanted to be more methodical about the time I spent gaming, the games I play and the miniatures I paint. In 2018 I moved from Oahu to San Antonio, with the move came access to a larger community of gamers that were willing and able to play almost every game out there. I went from only being able to play Infinity and Warmachine to everything from Saga to Modern Bolt Action. In the 9 months since the move I have accumulated a ridiculous amount of unpainted miniatures and in 2019 I look to a) paint those minis b) tighten my shot group. 

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Mantic Colossal Giant Unboxing!

This Giant is truly GIANT! Today, Tyler unboxes and reviews the massive new Kings of War Giant by Mantic Games! Check it out and add a colossal Giant to your army, because, c'mon, you know you want it.

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Blam's Hobby Blog

Moooooore Nighthaunt!!! LOL I don’t think I will ever finish these guys, but it is OK, I enjoy painting them. I have a very bad habit of being a completionist. Some will say this is a good thing, but when I am painting armies that can have 100’s of troops, this tends to burn me out… FAST!

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Moonstone: Why I want to know more...

Hello, it has been a while since I wrote one of these. Most notably because I dont just churn them out for the sake of it. I actually, genuinely wait until there is something I want to know more about before I do one, believe it or not. 

If you are a reader of my other musings on things I want to know more about you may start to begin to see a theme, I actually did when I was looking at previous ones. I have unwittingly stumbled upon my ‘schtick’ so to speak and you may see the same themes arising as I talk about the new faction additions coming to Moonstone on March 27th 2019. 

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Terracotta Warriors Army Project - From Start to Finish - Part 1

Join Tyler as he begins an army from start to finish using Watchful I Studio Terracotta warriors for use in Kings of War! Part 1 focuses on model reviews and planning for what needs to be done!

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Episode 116: Dan Faulconbridge (Wargames Illustrated Magazine)

This week I speak to Mr Dan Faulconbridge of Wargames Illustrated. Wargames Illustrated is a monthly magazine by war gamers for war gamers that comes in both a physical and electronic format. They also offer a Prime service where you can get a more in-depth experience in the form of video content plus also access to their back catalogue which is certainly worth a look. 

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Howdy partners! It’s been quite the seven days since we spoke last! Work’s been a bear as usual, but there has been hobby bench time to keep me sane! As matter of fact, I’ve got some new goodies to share with you all, including some Kickstarter games I picked up recently, and some awesome new projects that need some extra little special touches to make them perfect. So without further ado, let’s get stuck in shall we?

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Blam's Marvelous Miniatures Monday

Goooooooood Morning paint fam! How was your weekend? Mine went really well, I got to paint some terrain for a friend and then threw some paint on a couple minis for my DnD group. Tonight is back to some nighthaunts, then I will be moving on to Fallout and Kingdom Death minis… Anyway, It is time for me to get my second cup of coffee, but before I do I was scrolling through the latest posts and DAMN! You people are A-MAZ-ING! Here are just a few of the magnificent minis some of you have been working on. Here are a few of the fam getting shout outs on BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!

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