Blam's Marvelous Miniatures Monday
Goooooooood Morning paint fam! How was your weekend? Mine went really well, I got to paint some terrain for a friend and then threw some paint on a couple minis for my DnD group. Tonight is back to some nighthaunts, then I will be moving on to Fallout and Kingdom Death minis. That being said, if any of you have painted the KD series focusing on the laps light source hit me up, I think that is what I am going to TRY to accomplish with mine.
Anyway, It is time for me to get my second cup of coffee, but before I do I was scrolling through the latest posts and DAMN! You people are A-MAZ-ING! Here are just a few of the magnificent minis some of you have been working on.
Here are a few of the fam getting shout outs on BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!
Sebastian Schramm, Bryan Cook, Micheal Ewan Fraser, William T Westand Andrew Avalos