Blam's Marvelous Miniatures Monday

What up paint fam!?!?!? How goes everyone's projects? I am still working on ghosties, but I have been assembling some Fallout and Kingdom Death minis also to mix it up a bit. After I finish this nighthaunt set I think I am gonna steer clear of armies for a while, I kinda want to work on solos or small skirmish groups for a bit. That being said I am getting close to working on Arkhan the Black in the nighthaunt set, that is gonna roooooooock!…Anyway, enough of my rambling. Lets get on to BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!

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PATM Rangers of Shadow Deep: Mission 1 - Scenario 1 'The Deserted Village'

Sir Callius Wolfsbane and his loyal companions explore what's left of a nameless, deserted village and find all sorts of surprises along the way. Join the adventure and stay subscribed to see more Rangers of Shadow Deep brought to you by Paint All The Minis!

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Are you looking at my Bust?

You know what, I have never painted a bust. When I think of painting a bust I often think of what it would look like and which one I would go for…

Just today I checked out Masters of Darkness - Hooded Death. 

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PATM DanComment
Episode 114: Andy Hobday (War Banner: Mortal Gods/Gangs of Rome).

This week I talk once again to Andy Hobday of War Banner. War Banner has recently been through a restructure taking on board Footsore Miniatures and also Special Artisan Service Miniatures. They released Gangs of Rome, a skirmish game set in the streets of the Roman Empire, last year and will be releasing a new game Mortal Gods in 2019. I caught up with Andy to discuss his strategy of eating his Christmas dinner along with a catch up on Gangs of Rome, plus also information on Mortal Gods. 

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Goooooood morning Paint All The Minis fam! Everyone staying warm and toasty with this Polar Vortex? Even down here in Texas we’re hitting freezing temps for a couple of days! Talk about some powerful ice magic. After all, with a name like “Polar Vortex” it sounds like the type of nasty spell your army trembles at the thought of! Anywho, if only the temperatures meant the weather so foul I could stay home, but alas, it’s not meant to be. But fear not, it’s Wednesday, and that of course means it’s time for another Wishlist!

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PATM Rangers of Shadow Deep: Mission 1 - Scenario 1 'The Deserted Village'

Sir Callius Wolfsbane and his loyal companions explore what's left of a nameless, deserted village and find all sorts of surprises along the way. Join the adventure and stay subscribed to see more Rangers of Shadow Deep brought to you by Paint All The Minis!

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Project Showcase: Sharp Practice Peninsular War British

Welcome to a showcase of a recently completed project of mine, an Anglo-Spanish force for the game Sharp Practice. This Napoleonic skirmish force will grow in the future but for now it represents a solid painted collection that gives me more than enough to play a standard sized battle. Let’s head off to the dusty plains and scorched mountains of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 1800’s to take a look at this little force standing up to the might of Napoleon …

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Paint All The Minis Painting Challenge: Baby It's Cold Outside/The Fire Is So Delightful

For this painting challenge, members were tasked with painting up either a fire or ice themed miniature, or both if they were feeling so adventurous! There were a bunch of entries despite the holiday season slowing things down, and everyone really took the challenge to heart to create something that addressed the challenge in their own way!

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Landy's Wishlist Wednesday

Top o’ the morning my fellow styrene addicts! It’s that time again when I wax poetic about all of the things that are burning a hole in a wallet this week! It’s been quite the long work week and on top of that the weather has turned quite miserable around here—all of that means that it’s the perfect sort of weather to stay indoors and paint! I’ve got this upcoming weekend off as well, so I’m definitely itching to get some quality hobby time in! So without further ado, let’s see what’s got this junkie jonesing for another miniature fix!

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