Tally ho fellow basecoat blaggards! Our quarry is in sight at last! We’ve just crested the hump of the week and that means it’s time to join Landy for another Wishlist Wednesday! Hold on to your shakos because this week, he’s got historical gaming on his mind (of the Napoleonic variety especially!)
Read MoreWe join British Legion in the last of the Moonstone videos as he shows off the Goblins from the Game.
Read MoreJoin Tyler as he plays out the opening exchanges of 2 survivor groups looking to survive in their weird new world of walkers!!!
Read MoreJoin Travis for another Sharp Practice Battle Report! In this scenario Captain Gage sets out to rescue a certain Mr Ramsbottom.
Read MoreGooooooood BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY Morning paint fam!!!! How awesome is it that we have this amazing place to admire others work, collaborate and get ideas. Join Blam and take a look at this weeks top miniatures!
Read MoreBeat to quarters!’ Here are some of the reasons that Dan would like to unfurl the top gallants to catch up to and board Oak & Iron to get a better look at the contents of it’s hold. See what he has to say about it all..
Read MoreThis week we join Blam as he starts building the bases for his new Tau Kill Team. Here is the process he likes to use to build most bases.
Read MoreJoin Landy as he takes a look at Reaper's Dungeon Dwellers Paint set. He gets so excited his paint desk is literally shaking with delight!
Read MoreThis week Bryan welcome’s us to a step by step painting guide from a galaxy far, far away… Today he’ll be covering the Imperial Scout Troopers from Star Wars Legion, although this process would be the exact same for the more common Stormtroopers.
Read MoreThis week Josh Benedetto takes centre stage and talks to Jordan Peterson (with a silent ph) about Forgotten Realms Explored.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jason from Thunderchild Miniatures. We talk about his personal insight and experience plus his post apocalyptic game called Wasteman but wait….there's more, we also talk about his current Kickstarter campaign for his new game Goregasm Arena.
Read MoreWe check back in with Travis as he begins the dismounted versions of his American War of Independence British Dragoons.
Read MoreHullow fellow brushlickers, fear not, despite the doom and gloom of such a spooky day, it’s also a ghoulishly good time for us, because it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday!
Read MoreWhen I was about ten years old, my dad had a friend build me my first computer. He told him to make sure that it was able to do word processing and other office applications, but unable to play computer games. With a wink and a nod, he agreed to do so, but the second my dad was out of the room, he pulled out a stack of floppy disks and began installing all sorts of games, including Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 3D.
Read MoreWe check in on British Legion as he updates us on how his painting of the humans from Moonstone has been going.
Join War Corgi as he shows us some quick and easy strategies to get your Star Wars Legion Rebel Troopers painted up and ready for the tabletop!
Read More‘Even before you set foot in the gatehouse, you are nearly overcome by the stench of death and rotten bodies…’ (Taken from a scenario for Rangers of Shadow Deep)
I want to know more about Ranger of Shadow Deep a lot more, and here’s why..By Dan Adam
Read MoreWelcome to BLAM'S MARVELOUS MINIATURES MONDAY!!!!……So let's get right to it, we had some great posts on here, from squads, to 1 off's, to terrain, you people on here are AMAZEBALLS!!!
Read MoreJoin War Corgi as he shows us some quick and easy strategies to get your Star Wars Legion Storm Troopers painted up and ready for the tabletop! It has been great to see the progress, next up is the same treatment for the rebel scum & then its time for some Battle Reports!!!!
Read MoreIt’s been quite the long work week, and I couldn’t be happier to that I’ve had the weekend so that I could really work in earnest on some projects I’ve been puttering along on the last couple of weeks.
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