I often put a lot of thought to how much I should spend per week/month/year on my hobby & I often hear people say ‘Hey, those models are really expensive, this is an expensive hobby’, but I don't think that it is.
Read MoreWelcome to Blam’s first hobby blog! I have a few projects I am working on, I usually have about 4 or so going at a time. The main project I am working on right now are my Harlequin Kill Team…
Read MoreWelcome to my step by step painting guide for the iconic British Redcoat of the Napoleonic wars.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jesse about not only his personal journey into the hobby but also around the idea of making our gaming experience sustainable.
Read MoreJoin us as we unbox TANKS by Gale Force 9! Matt opens up the box and gives us his impressions of the contents as he prepares to paint up the contents & film some BatReps!
Read MoreWell well well, what have we here? Why, it’s another treasure trove of miniatures to ogle and fawn over! Yes, it’s time again for another Wishlist Wednesday! Lets Go!…
Read MorePlaying with painted models adds a much greater feeling of depth to our games. Playing any game is fun but there is a much stronger attachment to your forces after you have painted them up and then see them standing proudly after being deployed, ready to charge towards the enemy.
Read MoreIn this video Tyler unboxes The Walking Dead All Out War Core Set from Mantic Games.
Read MoreIn this video British Legion takes a closer look at the The Bondsmen starter box from The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game…
Read MoreWelcome painters big and small to the latest edition of the Weekly Blog! As Dan mentioned last time around, this blog is going to be about sharing a more fireside view of the miniatures hobby with you all.
Read MoreIn this PATM Battle Report War Corgi sets up a 1850pt Warhammer 40k dust up using ITC mission rules. This is the first ever PATM Bat Rep and we hope to have many more coming for you to enjoy. Don't forget to subscribe to both the Paint All The Minis channel & the War Corgi Youtube channel for more content.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Nick aka British Legion from the British Legion youtube channel.
Read MoreJoin Travis from Tabletop CP as he teaches us how to play Sharp Practice from The Two Fat Lardies. Sharp Practice is a skirmish game set in the age of black powder, prime The first of many Batreps we hope to share with you, come and check out paintalltheminis.com for more articles/batreps/tutorials.
Read MoreYou're a terrible painter Casey. I have told myself that countless times since I started painting miniatures. I truly love the game of miniature wargaming but the thought of starting a new game or army and having to paint it was not only intimidating, but I flat out refused to paint the army on my own.
Read MoreHullo my fellow paint water connoisseurs, it’s the middle of another dreary work week, but fear not, for there’s light at the end of the tunnel, and no it’s not just a freight train coming your way, but another Wishlist Wednesday!
Read MoreIn this video British Legion unboxes The Bondsmen starter box from The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game. A tabletop skirmish game set on earth after a cataclysmic event, BL gives us a quick peek into what's included!
I hope you all had a good weekend of playing/hobbying. I got to hang with a buddy and worked on the 300 gazillion Lannisters I have from the Kickstarter :) I think I will be on this project for a few months LOL.
Read MoreWelcome to the first ever hobby blog on the new PATM webiste. I hope that we can use the blogs as a way to communicate with each other and to motivate, inspire, and work together in our geeking. Landy, Jody, and I will all be providing hobby blogs, you will hear from me every third week.
Read MoreWelcome to my first painting submission to the Paint All The Mini’s website. What I will be covering today is how to paint a vehicle in a single session (under two hours) using cheap and super easy techniques that will guarantee you get your mini’s on the table in no time at all.
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