Making the Case for your own Hobby Space In this video we are making the case for getting your own Hobby Space! Instead of losing time while searching your Minis and painting stuff, setting up your painting space and then having to clean it up again - get your own little painting corner where you can hobby away and leave your things flying around! I have painted for some 15 years here and there and everywhere, though since about two years I’m having a painting corner which is great. I don’t need to worry that a child grabs a colour and throws it over the carpet, I can get a quick 15 Minute session in when I feel like it, and it’s easier to find what I need.
Read MoreTravis and Andrew play a 1200 point game, Undead vs. Snakemen.
Read MoreMay was a month of games, I filmed about 6 battle reports for the YouTube channel. Almost finished off my very modest goal of my Cold War, Hot French. Missed it by one mini, but then again games like 7 Days to the River Rhine make it easy to accomplish projects. I did some major spring cleaning as well, re-organized my painting station and my miniature cabinet. This ate into a lot of toddler is asleep hobby time, but I was able to find some minis that I had no plans for and chuck them on eBay. This in turn gave me the slush funds necessary to finally take the plunge into Adeptus Titancus (thanks a lot Casey) but more on that later.
Read MoreCasey from Mini Studio Bros takes a look at the new Moldorf Expedition expansion for Relicblade.
Read MoreWelcome to another step-by-step painting guide, this time for the Rebel Troopers from Star Wars Legion. What follows is a guide, broken down into easy to replicate stages which covers one way of doing Rebel uniforms. It also covers two types of alien fleshtones. The method is best for painting a unit of 7 or so miniatures at a time.
Read MoreWelcome to another step-by-step painting guide. I really enjoyed painting up this squad of German mountain troops, so made sure to record my process. These models are great sculpts that are easy to paint and are full of character. What follows is a guide, broken down into easy to replicate stages.
Read MoreHi guys, welcome to another step-by-step painting guide. This time for WW2 Hungarian tanks and vehicles. This guide covers the dark green colour scheme common for the later years of the war. The same principles can be followed for the earlier vehicles by just adding your camouflage colours into the basic colours stage and using the appropriate early style insignia decals.
Read MoreApril was an interesting month. On one end I played no games, and on the other I did 2 rulebook reviews and a video report of Ultracombat Normandy. That being said, this was a slow month for painting. However, I feel like the quality of my work is improving and I managed to challenge myself by tackling different paints and methods. I really wanted to focus on how I visualize this blog. For example, I will refer to time periods when it makes sense over game systems, then individually call out the game systems as they come up. Game systems will be in bold and projects will be in italics. This helps me continuing the narrative of a project through the months. I hope you enjoy this entry and that you check out some of the other articles I have been working on at Paint All the Minis and my own blog listed at the end of the article.
Read MoreSpectre Operations is a tactical level ‘sandbox’ ruleset giving gamers all the mechanics necessary to create any type of modern to ultra-modern (Vietnam to today) combat operation they want to game. If you are looking for a narrative based, highly adaptive ruleset with compelling and concise game play, Spectre Operations is for you!
Read MoreHi guys, welcome to another step-by-step painting guide. This time for WW2 German army (Heer) infantry of the years of the war. This guide is a little different to how I usually do them, instead of painting a group of models from beginning to end, the guide is broken up into the different parts of the model, but is still step by step. This should allow you to paint your late war German infantry, no matter what variation of uniform they have.
Read MoreIf you want a rule set that provides a tactical squad level experience using historic doctrine and Tables of Organization and Equipment to provide an accurate, yet fluid, representation of World War 2 combat, look no further! Join Dan Warner as he reviews the Ultracombat Normandy Rulebook
Read MoreToday is the final Part in Tyler’s Terracotta Warriors Army Project, this is where it all comes together and all the minis are painted! Check out the WatchfuliStudio army in its full completed glory and keep an eye out of the Kickstarter on April 18th! Thanks for following along on this adventure, we hope you enjoy the final product!
Read MoreGather ‘round, gather ‘round! Pull up a chair and serve yourself a cuppa. It’s hump day once again! Get your camels ready! (Just kidding, but seriously google the story about the chap walking his pet camel into a pet store!) That means it’s time again for another Wishlist Wednesday! So fluff your humps, get comfy, and have a read through!
Read MoreJoin Casey as he takes a look through the Warlord Games Cruel Seas “Strike Hard Strike Fast” Starter set! 1/300 adventures on the high seas with some incredibly detailed boats and terrain! He takes a good poke around in the box and shows us what is in there!
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Dan about all of the reasons why he loves Moonstone. You may remember in episode 123 I spoke to Tom Greenway about his personal history and also Moonstone from a creators standpoint. As you know Paint All The Minis is about generating and sharing goodwill in the hobby community and it has been great to put together 2 Moonstone podcasts to try to get more people aware of this game as it is one I have a genuine interest in. It is always great when you have an interest in something and when you look a little closer it only pulls you further in. Tom seems a really genuine and positive person. Moonstone is innovative and engaging. I wish the game all the best and it has been great learning more about it over the last 6 - 8 weeks.
Read MoreWhat would it be like going back to basics, and painting your minis using oldskool artist’s acrylics?
Jo Sonja paints are now available in the UK in P3-style pots, aimed at model-makers and miniature painters alike. Peter spent a few days testing them to get a feel for smoothness, blendability, airbrushability as well as durability. Dive in and see how he got on.
Read MoreJoin Travis once again as he delves into the mechanics of The Warlords or Erehwon. In this video we look at more of the rules, including weapons and armor, shooting, close combat and break tests. We are getting close to getting our factions on the table for a good old hootenanny now!!!
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Tom Greenway of Goblin King Games. Tom created the tabletop skirmish game Moonstone. It features a number of innovative features and components that make the game truly stand out from others such as the melee and arcane components along with some amazing minis full of character. I won’t spoil any of the conversation but I will say that there is a current Kickstarter for Moonstone available and will be until April 12, so if you are a prompt listener you can take a look, and if you are listening to us in the future then there is still an opportunity to hear if Moonstone is for you and you can take a look and see if it is for you.
Read MoreHello there and welcome to part two of my series on ‘Can I like 40k?’. Last article I wrote about painting the minis I got from the First Contact box and also the easy build sets.
It is also important to note that I am not looking to influence you in any way, merely to give you something to read that is of mild interest, and to maybe make you think about if you indeed would like to try 40k, or to try something else in our hobby.
Read MoreMichael and Max face off in the second battle report for their ongoing Endor Campaign series. Han Solo, Princess Lea, and Chewbacca lead the rebel attack against Imperial forces attempting to alert their command of rebel presence on the moon. Of course Stormtrooper officer Lt. Koba is back to lead the Imperial forces in this penultimate mission for the campaign! If you did not check out the previous episodes of the series, make you go back and watch them first to catch up on the action. We posted the Campaign Rules on the Paint All the Minis Facebook page, so why not join us there to follow along and stay for the great community.
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