Episode 123: Tom Greenway (Moonstone: Goblin King Games)

This episode I talk to Tom Greenway of Goblin King Games. Tom created the tabletop skirmish game Moonstone. It features a number of innovative features and components that make the game truly stand out from others such as the melee and arcane components along with some amazing minis full of character. I won’t spoil any of the conversation but I will say that there is a current Kickstarter for Moonstone available and will be until April 12, so if you are a prompt listener you can take a look, and if you are listening to us in the future then there is still an opportunity to hear if Moonstone is for you and you can take a look and see if it is for you.

As always if you decide it isn’t for you but know someone who would love it then please pass it on. The articles on PATM.com, this podcast, or even just Goblin King Games’ website would all be great. I’d love for Tom to do more of what he loves and bring us amazing content!


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It was great Talking to Tom and everyone at PATM wishes him all the best in the future.