It’s basing time! The Terracotta Warriors from WatchfuliStudio are done, but they need Kings of War multi-bases to stand on! Here is a quick pseudo-tutorial to show you how Tyler did it. The finished army is fast approaching!
Read MoreJoin Drek as he play’s a game of Dropzone Commander with his friend Jordan. It’s a 1500 point game of Crucible with PHR vs UCM.
Read MoreWelcome to the Underhive for a step by step painting guide for the gangs of House Goliath. I loved the original Necromunda back in the 90’s, so to continue the nostalgia trip I will be painting these new miniatures in the classic colour scheme red and black with distinctive green mohawks. Read on for a comprehensive guide on how to paint the miniatures pictured above.
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Thomas Stoesser the creator of Stoessi’s Heroes, a company that makes historical characters to form part of your WW2 tabletop war-game factions. I wont spoil the story about how all this came about but what I will say is that the minis that are created for Stoessi’s Heroes are brilliant and would certainly take pride of place in your armies and give you a brilliant painting challenge.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he unpicks and showcases the rule set of Warlords of Erehwon.
In the first video covering the rules, Travis discusses the basics you will need to start gaming, stats, orders, movement, reactions and retained run orders.
Read MoreMichael and Max face off in the first battle report of their Endor Campaign Series. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca lead the rebels in a mission to recover supplies cached on the moon. This routine mission becomes much more complicated when an Imperial patrol lead by Lt. Koba stumbles upon their location! If you did not check out the previous episodes of the series, make you go back and watch them before continuing. We posted the Campaign Rules on the Paint All the Minis Facebook page, so why not join us there to follow along and stay for the great community there!
Read MoreMichael and Max are back in Episode 3 of their Endor Campaign Series to show you how to build a proper Endor themed table. If you did not check out Ep. 1 & 2 of the series, make you go back and check it out before the first battle report!
Read MoreMichael and Max are back to review the forces available to the Empire for their upcoming Star Wars Legion Campaign set on the forest moon of Endor. If you did not check out Ep. 1 of the series, make sure you go back and check it out before the first battle report!
Read MoreA lot of awesome progress has happened since I last wrote. I’ll do a quick catch up to the status of my projects and I will talk about the Bolt Action Mediterranean Tournament that I participated!
Read MoreLieutenant Petrov is ordered to evacuate the wounded from Botovo and reinforce Cherkasskoye. The Germans are determined to cut them off!
Read MoreI have owned a 3D Printer now for coming up to 2 years. My main motivation for purchasing a 3D Printer was to produce wargames terrain. MDF kits are great but I feel they will be a thing of the past as technology evolves, the hobby evolves and 3D printing becomes more mainstream.
Read MorePart 2! Today, Tyler sports some stylish swag, shows some progress on the Terracotta Army from WatchfuliStudio for Kings of War, and shows off some awesome new toys! Check it out and you might even learn a thing or two about Chinese mythology...
Read MoreHello there once again, as you may know if you follow along with this series it only gets whipped out the cupboard when something sails by that makes me take serious note. You can check out our website (you are on it) and root out some other nuggets, but this article is all about Operation Last Train by Joseph McCullough the man who has brought us several ‘stonking’ (& I use that term deliberately) games to date such as Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, & Rangers of Shadow Deep.
Read MoreMichael and Max are here to introduce the Rebel Forces available for their Endor Campaign Series. The Rebels will be limited to choosing only forces that were available to them during the iconic raid on the Imperial garrison on the forest moon. Up next: Imperial Forces!
Read MoreWelcome to a painting guide for the Royal Hungarian Army of the Second World War. This Axis ally of Germany on the Eastern Front had an interesting mix of contemporary equipment and dress as well as throwbacks to the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. Read on to find out how to paint your stout Hungarian riflemen step by step.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he sets out on a journey to the land of Erehewon! This is the first video in a new hobby series taking the new Warlords of Erehwon game from box to battlefield!
In this episode Travis shows what comes in the starter set and lays out his plans for building his forces and also for future instalments.
Read MoreIn this first article of three I am going to try one final time to enjoy 40k. It is the game that holds my interest the most due to its ready availability and the deep setting it resides within. I am starting from a point of wanting to like it, I WANT to like it. I have split my articles into 3 areas. Modelling/Painting, Playing, & Next Steps/Lore
Read MoreIn the the last of our three-part preparation videos, we look at how to prime with a rattle can, as well as how to sketch light values using a simple “beginner’s” technique…
Read MoreThis week I talk to Bryan Cook about his game supplement for Bolt Action, the 28mm scale WW2 tabletop game by Warlord Games.
Read MoreLuke Skywalker leads a daring mission to raid an Imperial supply depot in order to secure much needed supplies for the Rebel forces barricaded in the Droid Production Facility. Predictably, the Sith Lord Darth Vader has laid a trap for the young jedi and his rebel friends.
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