Episode 165: Mat Hart (Steamforged Games & Resident Evil 3 KS)

This episode I speak to Mat Hart the co founder of Steam Forged Games, we were very humbled when Steamforged decided to attend the recent PATMOCON event, our online convention and that was my first experience of talking to anyone from there. I have really enjoyed every conversation I have had with Mat he comes across as an interesting and straight forward chap, with a great insight into the industry and how he puts together games.

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Episode 164: Paul Hicks (Baron's War KS)

This episode I speak to Mr Paul Hicks an outstanding sculptor of miniatures. We have a general chat about him and what he has been up to since we last spoke on episode 90, and also both the previous and upcoming Baron’s War kickstarter campaigns he is working on with Andy Hobday of Footsore Miniatures. I always enjoy talking to Paul, traditional sculpting seems to be going by the wayside in favor of Z brush and electronic sculpting but I for one would hate the art and the discipline to die out, it was a shame Salute was cancelled this year as Paul was going to be there with PATM doing a number of sculpt along classes, next year we hope it will become a reality.

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What are: Dave Taylor & Joseph McCullough doing for PATMOCON 2020?

In this final chat before the convention I talk to Dave Taylor who will be running the entrepreneur's alley (indie games), and Joseph McCullough the creator of Frostgrave (amongst other great games) about what they have planned for the weekend. If you STILL havent got a ticket then give your head a wobble and get one here: https://www.paintalltheminis.com/patmocon-2020

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