PATMOCON 2020 Replay - Painting Realistic Stone Walls

Hi there fellow Minipainters, this is my full-length tutorial from the 2020 PATMOCON in which I painted a realistic looking stone wall. In this course you learn step-by-step how to paint ultra-realistic stone walls, which is ideal for your next Diorama base or terrain project! All you need is a stone wall, a few brushes and colours, and you’re set to go!

For a shorter step-by-step Video, please watch my Video here:

Material List: ⁃ A piece of terrain with stone walls (I’m using the small shed from the Tabletop World Altburg Stable in this Stream,

Your favourite good brush (I use a Army Painter Regiment brush,
A good, small drybrush (I use a cheap Make-up brush I bought on Amazon,

Base Coats:

Vallejo Black Primer (
or Vallejo Game Air Black [
and Vallejo Game Air Cold Grey (

For the washes:

Vallejo Game Colour Beasty Brown (
Vallejo Game Colour Earth (
Vallejo Game Colour Terracotta (
and Vallejo Model Air Sand Beige (


Vallejo Game Colour Khaki (
Citadel Layer Pallid Wych Flesh (

Fine Details:

Citadel Shade Biel-Tan Green (
The Army Painter Light Tone Quickshade Wash (

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