In the the second of our 3 part preparation videos, we look at basic assembly, drilling plastic gun barrels, and using glue to help close gaps.
Read MoreThis Giant is truly GIANT! Today, Tyler unboxes and reviews the massive new Kings of War Giant by Mantic Games! Check it out and add a colossal Giant to your army, because, c'mon, you know you want it.
Read MoreJoin Travis and Cole for the 4th Game in their Storming the Citadel Campaign.
The Germans attempt to clear the rest of Botovo of soviet defenders. Lt. Petrov and his platoon hang on desperately in hopes of delaying the German attack for a little while longer.
Read MoreThis is the first of 3 videos to help you get the best out of your plastic miniatures.
Before you lick paint onto your toy soldiers you need to do a bit of prep.
Read MoreJoin Tyler as he begins an army from start to finish using Watchful I Studio Terracotta warriors for use in Kings of War! Part 1 focuses on model reviews and planning for what needs to be done!
Read MoreJoin Travis and Andre as they finish Operation Greatsword with the Central Courtyard scenario!
Read MoreSir Callius Wolfsbane and his loyal companions explore what's left of a nameless, deserted village and find all sorts of surprises along the way. Join the adventure and stay subscribed to see more Rangers of Shadow Deep brought to you by Paint All The Minis!
Read MoreSir Callius Wolfsbane and his loyal companions explore what's left of a nameless, deserted village and find all sorts of surprises along the way. Join the adventure and stay subscribed to see more Rangers of Shadow Deep brought to you by Paint All The Minis!
Read MoreHaving cleared the outer defences, Grossdeutschland begins the main attack against a Soviet strong point in the village of Botovo.
Read MoreMichael and Szymon from War Corgi are back to discuss the Corps Unit choices available to Star Wars Legion Imperial players. They examine the capabilities and relative advantages of Imperial Stormtroopers and Snowtroopers.
Read MoreJoin Travis and Cole as they begin the Storming the Citadel Campaign! In this video we see Grossdeutschland attempting to clear the high ground outside of Botovo and attempt to pierce the outer line of minefields at the start of Operation Citadel.
Read MoreJoin Travis as he paints a French Char B1 tank by Warlord games using the putty method for hard edge camo.
Read MoreToday, Tyler opens up the Town Centre Terrain Crate from Mantic Games! Perfect for fleshing out your historical or fantasy towns and making them feel lived in! Check out the video and be sure to check out all the content here on!
Travis and Cole fight it out for control of a Russian village as the Soviet counter attack at Kursk begins.
Read MoreThere can be only one! Join Christopher with the Unboxing of the recently Kickstarted Highlander Board Game from River Horse that has just come out to backers. There are some lovely minis in here and some really nice game components for what promises to be a good value game.
Read MoreHan Solo joins Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker as Rebel forces fight to prevent Darth Vader from claiming control of an abandoned Separatist Battle Droid production facility on the planet of Geonosis. Another awesome Battle Report from Michael of War Corgi…Enjoy!
Read MoreJoin Travis as he begins a mini project with this unboxing and introduction to the miniatures of the game V Commando!
Read MoreToday, Tyler builds the MDF cottage, townhouse, and barn from War World Gaming's Medieval Town set. Great for historical and fantasy games, so stay tuned for some battle reports coming out soon that will feature these buildings!
Read MoreIn Episode 4 we discuss many of the basic rules required to play a game of Dropfleet Commander in preparation for our 2 player starter box game.
Read MoreJoin Travis and Steve in the Battle of the Dragoons! Newly arrived Captain Tallmadge and his Continental Dragoons face off against the dastardly Lt. George Ramsbottom for best dragoon commander bragging rights!
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