This week I speak to Carl Titterington who is just at this very moment releasing his first rule set called Contact Front. Contact Front is a modern skirmish rule set and during the show Carl talks about it and why it may appeal to you if you are into that sort of thing. As with other shows we also delve into Carl’s background and his journey towards creating his own rule set, it is one that is varied and interesting. It was great to get to know Carl a little better and if Contact Front sounds interesting then go and have a nose about and see what you can rustle up!
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Joe Veltre of Gods Eye Games and also the Acceptable Casualties Youtube Channel. Joe released his first ruleset Son’s of Mars around a year ago, and also talked to me about the Acceptable Casualties previously these can be found in episode 23 and 84, plus if you check out On Geeking part 3 between episode 65 and 66 you can hear Joe and I just goofing around and letting loose, if you like that sort of thing that is. In this episode Joe and I talk about his new rule set Steel & Steed which is a Medieval Knights and Tournament rule set which features jousting, mounted combat, as well as grand melee on foot and mounted, along with archery. I won’t spoil the chat by talking about it here but it was fun talking to Joe about his work, got the cogs in my brain whirring about how I could interact with it. I wish Joe all the best with the rules and hope it is a great success.
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Dan about all of the reasons why he loves Moonstone. You may remember in episode 123 I spoke to Tom Greenway about his personal history and also Moonstone from a creators standpoint. As you know Paint All The Minis is about generating and sharing goodwill in the hobby community and it has been great to put together 2 Moonstone podcasts to try to get more people aware of this game as it is one I have a genuine interest in. It is always great when you have an interest in something and when you look a little closer it only pulls you further in. Tom seems a really genuine and positive person. Moonstone is innovative and engaging. I wish the game all the best and it has been great learning more about it over the last 6 - 8 weeks.
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Tom Greenway of Goblin King Games. Tom created the tabletop skirmish game Moonstone. It features a number of innovative features and components that make the game truly stand out from others such as the melee and arcane components along with some amazing minis full of character. I won’t spoil any of the conversation but I will say that there is a current Kickstarter for Moonstone available and will be until April 12, so if you are a prompt listener you can take a look, and if you are listening to us in the future then there is still an opportunity to hear if Moonstone is for you and you can take a look and see if it is for you.
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Thomas Stoesser the creator of Stoessi’s Heroes, a company that makes historical characters to form part of your WW2 tabletop war-game factions. I wont spoil the story about how all this came about but what I will say is that the minis that are created for Stoessi’s Heroes are brilliant and would certainly take pride of place in your armies and give you a brilliant painting challenge.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Bryan Cook about his game supplement for Bolt Action, the 28mm scale WW2 tabletop game by Warlord Games.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk to Jon Harrington about all of the reasons he loves the Beyond the Gates of Antares game by Warlord Games. I’m not going to talk about it here as Jon does a great job of it during the show but needless to say I hope you enjoy this weeks ramble.
Read MoreThis week I speak to Mr Dan Faulconbridge of Wargames Illustrated. Wargames Illustrated is a monthly magazine by war gamers for war gamers that comes in both a physical and electronic format. They also offer a Prime service where you can get a more in-depth experience in the form of video content plus also access to their back catalogue which is certainly worth a look.
Read MoreThis week I speak to Drek Sybert from both PATM and the Gamer Drek youtube channel. At PATM we have been working with Drek for a few months so I thought it was high time to get to know him a little better and to also tip our hats to him for his most recent series he did for us.
Read MoreThis week I talk once again to Andy Hobday of War Banner. War Banner has recently been through a restructure taking on board Footsore Miniatures and also Special Artisan Service Miniatures. They released Gangs of Rome, a skirmish game set in the streets of the Roman Empire, last year and will be releasing a new game Mortal Gods in 2019. I caught up with Andy to discuss his strategy of eating his Christmas dinner along with a catch up on Gangs of Rome, plus also information on Mortal Gods.
Read MoreThis week I get to know Travis from Tabletop CP a little more. Travis has a youtube channel where he puts together content for a number of games that he loves, you will hear about what games and why he does it in the show.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Chase from On Tabletop about all of the reasons he loves A Song of Ice & Fire, the recent release from C’MON.
Read MoreThis week I speak to Jay from the 5th trooper podcast about why he loves Star Wars Legion.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jan Wagner of Underground games. Jan recently ran a Kickstarter campaign for a minis board game Jagged Alliance 2. You can read the PATM article about Jagged Alliance 2 on the link below. As soon as the game is shipped we will be doing some video content for it and we cant wait.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Tyler Schulz. Tyler has been moonlighting recently on the PATM site giving us content from the walking dead. It was great to get to know Tyler a little more, his history, his insight, and also the things in the hobby he has enjoyed since he started doing it. Many thanks to Tyler for coming onto the show I hope you all enjoy it!
Read MoreThis week I talk to once again to Joseph McCullough the man behind Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago & most recently Rangers of Shadow deep.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Dave Munro about why he loves Konflikt '47. You’ll hear more about the game, its rules, and its genre in the show but a snapshot is that it is a weird world war 2 tabletop game but warlord games.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Marcin from Awaken Realms. Awaken Realms create board games that feature great minis. I was first aware of Awaken Realms through their This War of Mine board game that I played around a year ago. It is a really deep and immersive game that is thought provoking and has a very serious subject area but never the less it is engaging and interesting.
Read MoreThis week I talk once again to Sean Sutter of Metal King studio and the creator of the Relic Blade tabletop skirmish game.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Leo Vesperini of Mythic Games about the upcoming KS game Reich Busters along with updates for previous campaigns Joan of Arc & Solomon Kane.
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