Time is far more precious than ever before. When my daughter was born, I took a hiatus from the hobby. I thought it would be a good thing to step away; however, it was terrible. Painting is how I express my creativity, it’s my zen thing, and gaming is the vessel to hang out with my friends. I knew I shouldn’t go cold turkey this time with the twins, but I had to make adjustments.
Read MoreHi guys, welcome to another step-by-step painting guide. This time for WW2 Hungarian tanks and vehicles. This guide covers the dark green colour scheme common for the later years of the war. The same principles can be followed for the earlier vehicles by just adding your camouflage colours into the basic colours stage and using the appropriate early style insignia decals.
Read MoreHi guys, welcome to another step-by-step painting guide. This time for WW2 German army (Heer) infantry of the years of the war. This guide is a little different to how I usually do them, instead of painting a group of models from beginning to end, the guide is broken up into the different parts of the model, but is still step by step. This should allow you to paint your late war German infantry, no matter what variation of uniform they have.
Read MoreWelcome to the Underhive for a step by step painting guide for the gangs of House Goliath. I loved the original Necromunda back in the 90’s, so to continue the nostalgia trip I will be painting these new miniatures in the classic colour scheme red and black with distinctive green mohawks. Read on for a comprehensive guide on how to paint the miniatures pictured above.
Read MoreWelcome to a painting guide for the Royal Hungarian Army of the Second World War. This Axis ally of Germany on the Eastern Front had an interesting mix of contemporary equipment and dress as well as throwbacks to the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. Read on to find out how to paint your stout Hungarian riflemen step by step.
Read MoreJimBob returns with his second tutorial here at Paint All The Minis. This time he is going show you how he add’s effective looking stowage to his tanks and how he paints those same tanks and it’s stowage quickly and effectively, just like it says in the title! :D
Read MoreJimbob here with my very first painting tutorial. Being my first ever tutorial I decided to jump in at the deep end and show you all how I painted my 28mm British Redcoats for a forthcoming French Indian War (FIW) based Sharp Practice event I am attending.
Read MoreG'day fellas! Welcome to a painting guide for the Australians fighting in the Pacific from 1943-45. The miniatures I am using are the Warlord Games Independent Company Commandos. The minis are fantastic sculpts, very accurate and a pleasure to paint. Read on for a step by step painting guide you can follow to paint your own Aussies.
Read More“Welcome army painters! In this article I want to share my method for painting a platoon of the famous Deutsches Afrika Korp (DAK) for Second World War gaming. What follows is a step by step painting guide for Rommel's vaunted veterans.” Bryan.
Read MoreHi guys, welcome to a step-by-step painting tutorial for the Imperial Japanese Army of WW2. This guide and the techniques within are designed to get your Japanese army painted quickly, but also 'pop' on the tabletop. The two pronged attack of using a coloured spray primer and Army Painter’s Quickshade product will mean that you win that battle against your lead pile that all of us time poor hobbyists face.
Read MoreThis Empire of Dust army for Kings of War is easily one of my favourites, it was easy and fun to paint and has character oozing out of it, well it would have if it had any actual bio mass apart from bone!..
Read MoreOne of my army projects this year has been a platoon of German Waffen SS for Second World War gaming. These troops may have been rather unsavory characters but they make great subjects for painting minis with their distinctive camouflage and featured in most major battles, so are a useful force to have in your collection for gaming. In this step by step painting guide I will be covering how to paint these troops in their autumn/winter uniform and gear.
Read MoreWelcome to another step by step painting guide, this time for German panzers of the Afrika Korps in the Second World War. I’ll be trying to recreate the iconic desert tanks for the gaming tabletop, not a scale model for display. This guide employs basic techniques using acrylic paints with no airbrush required.
Read MoreThis week Bryan welcome’s us to a step by step painting guide from a galaxy far, far away… Today he’ll be covering the Imperial Scout Troopers from Star Wars Legion, although this process would be the exact same for the more common Stormtroopers.
Read MoreI had a chance recently to paint up a Painboy from the Warhammer 40k game. Painboys are part medic, part mechanic and all caring medical professional as they patch up a lost limb and replace it with a rocket launcher or flamethrower.
Read MoreWelcome to my step by step painting guide for the iconic British Redcoat of the Napoleonic wars.
Read MoreWelcome to my first painting submission to the Paint All The Mini’s website. What I will be covering today is how to paint a vehicle in a single session (under two hours) using cheap and super easy techniques that will guarantee you get your mini’s on the table in no time at all.
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