After the last tutorial I posted was so well received, I thought I would share another one, albeit a bit more polished than the last one! For the month’s painting challenge, the task is to weather a project to the extreme! For my project, I’m working on doing a piece of Deadzone terrain. These pieces paint up easily and look great without much effort, and when properly weathered, they look so good! Weathering terrain, machines, and vehicles is one of my favorite aspects of the hobby, so it was only natural that I combined the two in this little tutorial. Without further ado, let’s get down to it!
Read MoreIn this video Travis shows you how to easily paint your BEF troops to a high tabletop standard. He also shows off his newly completed BEF army!
Read MoreThis week I speak once again to Ronnie Renton of Mantic Games. We have a catch up on his BBQ technique, Dungeon Saga, The Walking Dead: Call to Arms skirmish game (an expansion to the All Out War narrative), along with Kings of War Vanguard & also the announcement of Kings of War third edition. Always fun talking to Ronnie and I hope you enjoy the show.
Read MoreMichael and Szymon from the War Corgi YouTube Channel are back with their second Warhammer 40k battle report. For this game, they use the ITC mission pack popular in tournaments across the United States. Szymon’s beloved Thousand Sons are joined by the Death Guard, while Michael brings out his War Corgi Space Marine Chapter and his Militarum Tempestus.
Read MoreDan shows off his painting progress from June
Read MoreThis week I speak once again to Joseph McCullough the creator of Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep,and Oathmark to name just 3. In this show we talk about what has been happening with him since we last spoke in episode 106, we also talk about his opinion on what makes a good game. He highlights the holy trinity that may be at odds with each other. If you haven’t heard from Joseph before I recommend going back to episode 66 for our first chat, then to 106, and then this one. Reason being is that in my first chats with people I tend to get to know them and their history. Subsequent ones we refer back to that but delve deeper into subjects.
Read MoreCasey dives into a box of Kings of War Vanguard from Mantic with some Basileans and a Battlefield Objectives Terrain Crate.
Read MoreWe all find ourselves in the occasional situation where we need to game solo: a new game, maybe, and no-one knows the system yet; perhaps all our gaming friends are washing their hair. Whatever the reason, Olly is on hand to give us all some much needed advice on how to successfully play with ourselves...
Read MoreThis week I speak to Stuart of Great Escape Games. Great Escape Games not only offers a wide variety of interesting rule sets such as Dead Man’s Hand, a western style skirmish game, Iron Cross, 1914, Seven Days to the River Rhine, all table top war games in a variety of eras, but they also offer miniatures in ranges that may not be offered by other companies in the eras we play. Romanians, Mountain Italian Alpini, Greek Mountain troops to name 3 such ranges from the WW2 era.
Read MoreJoin Michael from the War Corgi YouTube Channel as plays his first game of Full Thrust Starship Combat Game. This is a quick skirmish game between the New Swabian League and the Crusty Fleet using some of the smaller ships included in the starter box.
Read MoreJoin Michael from the War Corgi YouTube Channel as he unboxes the core box for Ground Zero Games starship combat game “Full Thrust”.
Read MoreTravis and Andrew return to the land of Erehwon for a 1500 point game of Undead vs. Samurai! The mission is "A Bloody Encounter".
Read MoreThis week I speak to Carl Titterington who is just at this very moment releasing his first rule set called Contact Front. Contact Front is a modern skirmish rule set and during the show Carl talks about it and why it may appeal to you if you are into that sort of thing. As with other shows we also delve into Carl’s background and his journey towards creating his own rule set, it is one that is varied and interesting. It was great to get to know Carl a little better and if Contact Front sounds interesting then go and have a nose about and see what you can rustle up!
Read MoreIn this Hendrik describes his Army Composition of his two lists for the Steam and Fury Tournament and what pains he encountered while getting the Army ready! At the Steam and Fury Tournament (Here’s the Re-cap: Hendrik played five games of Warmachine and Hordes with his fully painted Protectorate of Menoth Army. It wasn’t easy to get the Army fully painted in time, but in the end he succeeded! In his opinion it’s always worth to make the effort to play fully painted - do you agree?
Read MoreMichael from the War Corgi YouTube Channel offers his initial thoughts on the campaign system he is developing for Star Wars Legion. It uses the map and components from Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Rebellion board game. With luck, he will be using this campaign system to produce even more immersive narrative battle reports for Paint All The Minis. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the campaign system, make sure to leave them in a comment below!
Read MoreWelcome to another step-by-step painting guide, this time for the Rebel Fleet Troopers from Star Wars Legion. What follows is a guide, broken down into easy to replicate stages which covers the classic look uniforms as seen in the films.
Read MoreAll aboard! The hype train has left the station! With all the chatter, debate and opinion surrounding GW’s newest line of magic bullet paints, we thought it would be a good idea to test them out. In this video, Peter applies ‘one thick coat’ to two identical marines - one primed with the new Citadel Wraithbone spray, the other in an automotive grey. OMG! Who will win? Will the Earth stop spinning? Can we become amazing painters in just one globby layer of paint? Watch and find out…
Read MoreCasey flicks through the new "Seven Days to the River Rhine" rulebook from Great Escape Games. It's a 1980s-set, Cold War gone Hot, beer and pretzels game.
Read MoreThis episode I talk to Joe Veltre of Gods Eye Games and also the Acceptable Casualties Youtube Channel. Joe released his first ruleset Son’s of Mars around a year ago, and also talked to me about the Acceptable Casualties previously these can be found in episode 23 and 84, plus if you check out On Geeking part 3 between episode 65 and 66 you can hear Joe and I just goofing around and letting loose, if you like that sort of thing that is. In this episode Joe and I talk about his new rule set Steel & Steed which is a Medieval Knights and Tournament rule set which features jousting, mounted combat, as well as grand melee on foot and mounted, along with archery. I won’t spoil the chat by talking about it here but it was fun talking to Joe about his work, got the cogs in my brain whirring about how I could interact with it. I wish Joe all the best with the rules and hope it is a great success.
Read MoreIn this week's Handy Hobby Hint, Peter shows you how to make and use your very own low-budget wet palette. Let's get blending!
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