Posts in PATM Article
No Time To Hobby

Time is far more precious than ever before. When my daughter was born, I took a hiatus from the hobby. I thought it would be a good thing to step away; however, it was terrible. Painting is how I express my creativity, it’s my zen thing, and gaming is the vessel to hang out with my friends. I knew I shouldn’t go cold turkey this time with the twins, but I had to make adjustments.

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Can I like 40k?

In this first article of three I am going to try one final time to enjoy 40k. It is the game that holds my interest the most due to its ready availability and the deep setting it resides within. I am starting from a point of wanting to like it, I WANT to like it. I have split my articles into 3 areas. Modelling/Painting, Playing, & Next Steps/Lore

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