Citadel Texture Tool
Olreet Cockers (Hello Everyone),
Hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to take some time to introduce this little fella to you if you haven’t met him, or her if you prefer. The Citadel Texture Tool. If you are already a user then you may get your pom poms and join his cheer squad or if you don't see him as the main character then I encourage you to respond and let us know who’s the better boy, a boy more deserving of being waxed lyrical!
As with everything, this is just my opinion and a world with many tools is a healthy world, not talking in detriment to any other product and I’d love to hear about alternatives or things that work for you. I am also not going to comment on price, can't even remember how much it was, I am just going to focus on it doing its job and its durability which I have found to be excellent.
I obviously bought it to base my minis. I had always just used an old brush before but I found that as I scrubbed them around me’auld base that I wasn't as accurate as I had wanted and I was getting mud and other various basing materials onto the feet, low-hanging cape/cloak, and other items close to the base. So, rolled the dice and picked up this chap.
It has two ends. I like how it has a wide chisel shaped end to cover large areas and a smaller, thinner end to git’reet (get right) into ye’olde’crannies (small parts) of your base, like around feet, rocks, or skulls connected to the base.
The tool is also super flat so, again, you can really get in, under, and out without touching your mini. Flexibility is something I thought was only apt for a favourite yoga teacher but actually the tool is really flexible, allowing for well…..flexibility when hitting areas and applying texture more softly without pushing the material away and leaving an empty spot when this is far from your intent!
I have had the same tool for over 7 years now, based a great many number of bases, hundreds at this point, and the ole’boy looks just as spritely and as chipper as when I first set me ‘peepers (eyes) on him.
As I check the price on it now (Feb 2025) it costs six dabs odd (6.25GBP). So, as I mentioned previously, I am not aware of any other competitors to this tool, I saw this one first, and have never had any need to question or look for an alternative so I can't compare. I wouldn't say to sling out what you currently use until it is lost, broken, or if it is not giving you the texture-spreading experience you crave, but if you are in the market, then give this a look, ask around, and give it a try.
Until next time!
Tarrah (Goodbye)