In this episode a joint venture with Matthew from Bedroom Battlefields ( we chat about common reasons why we can’t play and some things we can all do to play as we see fit.
Read MoreWe talk about our feelings and observations about Kickstarter, we recorded this on our PATM discord server (email if you want in to this) and my job in the chat was to voice my own ideas on KS but also to play devils advocate at times and tease out Zach’s ideas and views.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Kelly who talks to use about DnD, about character creation, evolution, and representation on the tabletop. This is another show I recorded ages ago, sorry to Kelly for how long it took to come out, it bears no reflection on my enjoyment of the conversation.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Nick Komarev a normal hobby man just like you and me. We talk about his hobby journey and his love of Star Wars Armada.
Read MoreI talk with Jon Harrington about planning and prepping for the Paint All The Minis stand at Salute 2021, how the pandemic forced us to create PATMOCON, and our general level of excitement for exhibiting at a convention in person.
Read MoreIn this episode, I talk to Michael from Oathsworn Minis about Burrows & Badgers, Sensible shoes, and some old dwarves and ponies. We also discuss the July PATM themed painting challenge and announce a winner!
Read MoreIn this slight departure from the normal programming, Peter talks to Eric and Chris from Polyglot Studios about their current epic Kickstarter 'miniatures' project, Cthulhu Rises. Summon the beasts from the deep and get some insight into launching a project like this...
Read MoreIn this episode I speak with Tom Greenway of Goblin King Games about his upcoming Kickstarter campaign to expand Moonstone. Lucky, then, that it’s been Moonstone May all month on the Paint All the Minis Facebook group!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Foust the creator of VFI a company that works with games creators and publishers to make Asia and other places around the world more accessible for their games. In kickstarters especially it is sometimes a drag to get the games you want because of shipping costs, customs paperwork, and taxes. Foust is working to alleviate a lot of these issues and allow more people to play more games for less money, a modern day super hero!!!
We have the usual chat about hobby and background along with insight into what he does, why, and how. It was a pleasure speaking to him and getting to know him, just today infact I received a new unmatched expansion and some Stormcrow Dervishes for A Song of Ice and Fire, thanks! I hope you enjoy the show.
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Brian of the Weird World War II YouTube channel. Brian is a big fan of what he refers to as ‘Free Range Gaming’, which is in essence making the game fit you instead of you fitting to the game. It is a refreshing concept and his whole demeanour is one of positivity and experimentation. If you havent checked out Weird World War II as a YouTube channel then do so if you listen to Brian and appreciate his ethos. We have the usual ramble around the hobby and it was a fun chat, we both hope you enjoy.
Read MoreI pressed record on our discord server and you can listen to what comes out. Raw and unedited!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Zachary Quacks (not his real name) about all of the reasons why he loves the boardgames Shadows of Brimstone. I always love a why I love podcast and this one is no different. Dont feel there is any need to over egg the pudding soooo….let hear what he has to say!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the author of the immensely popular Gaslands vehicular combat racing game and also, release over the last week, A Billion Suns. I won't talk too much about it here, as we do this in the show. But if it sounds interesting to you then great, if not then, hey no drama, it’s just fun talking to Mike about stuff and things.
I must take some time to thank Mike for appearing on the show once more, it was a fun chat.
Read MoreAnd now for something completely different....
Peter brings you a little creative ep 200.
See you in Feb!
Read MoreIn this episode I speak to Paul Beccarelli aka Beccas about his personal hobby journey and a little about his Youtube channel.
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