Episode 205: Foust (VFI Asia: Making Games You Love More Accessible Around The World)
In this episode I speak to Foust the creator of VFI a company that works with games creators and publishers to make Asia and other places around the world more accessible for their games. In kickstarters especially it is sometimes a drag to get the games you want because of shipping costs, customs paperwork, and taxes. Foust is working to alleviate a lot of these issues and allow more people to play more games for less money, a modern day super hero!!!
We have the usual chat about hobby and background along with insight into what he does, why, and how. It was a pleasure speaking to him and getting to know him, just today infact I received a new unmatched expansion and some Stormcrow Dervishes for A Song of Ice and Fire, thanks! I hope you enjoy the show.