Posts tagged What makes a good game
Episode 140: Joseph McCullough (What Makes a Good Game?)

This week I speak once again to Joseph McCullough the creator of Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep,and Oathmark to name just 3. In this show we talk about what has been happening with him since we last spoke in episode 106, we also talk about his opinion on what makes a good game. He highlights the holy trinity that may be at odds with each other. If you haven’t heard from Joseph before I recommend going back to episode 66 for our first chat, then to 106, and then this one. Reason being is that in my first chats with people I tend to get to know them and their history. Subsequent ones we refer back to that but delve deeper into subjects. 

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Episode 133: Rich from Too Fat Lardies (What makes a good game?)

This episode I talk once again to Rich from Too Fat Lardies. Go back to episode 110 to hear about Rich’s back story as in this episode we discover Rich’s opinion on what he thinks makes a good game. We delve into research, D6’s, campaigns and anything else that crops up over the hour or so we talked. It's always fun talking to Rich and he makes engaging and interesting games. Go and check out Too Fat Lardy games to see if you agree.

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