This week is the 4th and final episode in our mini series where we go into greater depth in what we feel we mean with the term sustainable gaming. Remember this term was created to try to get to grips with the hobby more and to give us pause for thought in regard to what we get and what we want out of the hobby to make it the most enjoyable as possible.
Read MoreWelcome to another Sustainable Gaming podcast where Mr Fish and I delve a little deeper into the concept. This week we focus on painting regularly and also how the hobby may positively or negatively effect our physical health.
Another great chat for me personally and I hope you take something from it also.
Read MoreThis episode I catch back up with Mr Fish as we delve a little deeper into sustainable gaming now we have set the scene in episode 1.
We look closer at the idea of not allowing ourselves to buy too much stuff and also how this hobby may positively or negatively effect our personal mental health.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Tero Kanko in another sustainable gaming podcast.
Read MoreThis week I talk to Jesse about not only his personal journey into the hobby but also around the idea of making our gaming experience sustainable.
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