Posts tagged Episode 144
Episode 144: Mike Hutchinson (Gaslands)

This episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the writer of Gaslands, the post apocalyptic game of vehicular combat and racing, and also the upcoming game A Billion Suns which comes in 2020.

I loved talking to Mike as his demeanour, candour, and insight makes for a great chat. Its obvious from our chat that he is a positive & hard working guy and there were so many threads I would have liked to chase down but alas time marched ever on and I could ask all I wanted to. One key area that came up in our pre show and mid show chat was the idea of having a growth mindset, if you aren’t aware of what a growth mindset is then go and do some reading on it as it is something that I truly believe that can help in personal and professional situations. Carol Dweck is the person you need to look into.

Its something I dont claim to be perfect at, and Mike quite rightly pulls me up on some slack thoughts I put out there in regard to games but there is a common thread that pops up regularly on the show with people who have ‘done something’ in the hobby industry and that is their ability and craft are developed and honed with time and experience. Sounds simple and straight forward when you read of it but the execution is what separates people like Mike from other people who maybe have a great idea but just dont ever do anything with it.

I really do hope that I manage to get Mike back onto the show in the future as the hour literally flew by and it was a true pleasure.

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