Episode 186: Ben Galbraith (Blacksite Studio: Dont Look Back)

This episode I talk to Ben Galbraith of Blacksite Studio. Blacksite Studio produce pre painted laser cut MDF terrain for a number of tabletop war-game genres, from modern to historical & fantasy. Recently Ben and Connor pushed into model design in a line of sci fi resin minis, and even more recently they decided to put together the whole Jean Luc Package and give us a terrain, minis, rule set experience in the form of Dont Look Back, a horror film inspired cooperative skirmish game.

First and foremost it was great talking to Ben, again, I say it a lot but, I found him to be an open, honest, and engaging individual who I felt I could ask literally any question to and he would have given us his take on it. We have a wide ranging chat from Texas BBQ, where the chat opens, to Innovation, moral intent as a company, and the current state of the industry in regards to crowdfunding and its both positive and potentially possibly negative effects.

Secondly and finally if you havent heard of or check out Blacksite Studio then I encourage you to do so. Its not for everyone and it isnt a whim purchase, as I mention in the show but if you agree with Ben that you want great terrain to fit into a number of games you have and play, or want to play, then give it your consideration. I bought the Sundered Empire kit way back in April and it fills my Fantasy skirmish needs to a Tee. It gives hefty 2x2 but can easily scale up to 3x3 or 4x4. I love the terrain, the quality, and also…Fantasy skirmish terrain, thats that now, with a little flavor change from different scatter or pieces I pick up in the future I can continue to make it diverse and interesting.

You can check out Dont Look Back and other BSS stuff here: https://blacksitestudio.com

I hope you enjoy getting to know Ben, as I did, and that you enjoy the show.