Episode 170: Lon Weiss (Brigade Games)

This episode I speak to Mr Lon Weiss of Brigade Games. Brigade games offer a wide variety of minis both from their own commissioned ranges to other notable companies in one place. There is a heavy focus on the Black Powder era and they have a current kickstarter campaign to fund a French Indian War range of models sculpted by the talented Mr Paul Hick’s who PATM are fortunate to count as a friend of the show. The current KS does end on June 7 2020, which is 2 days from the release date but as with all the shows I dont consider them to be timestamped by the content or just a sales platform. Lon and I have a wide ranging chat from his regular day job, into how Brigade Games came into being with brief forays into other areas.

It was a pleasure to talk to Lon and he comes across as a highly experienced person in the hobby industry, it was fun picking his brain for an hour and a bit, I hope you enjoy the show.

French Indian War Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brigadegames/this-very-ground-french-and-indian-wars-28mm-miniatures?ref=discovery&term=brigade%20games